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Our Material ESG Issues: Citi in a Global Context In 2020, we conducted a materiality assessment to identify our most relevant (or “material”) reporting topics from an ESG perspective — which is a broader standard than that used in our financial disclosures. These topics are incorporated in the material issues table on the next page. Based o n i nternal s takeholder i nterviews and external research, the ESG topics identified, w hich w e r efer t o a s “m aterial ESG i ssues” t hroughout t his r eport, i nform which i ssues w e r eport o n, w hich i ssues w e consider r aising t o o ur B oard o f D irectors, and how we establish our ESG priorities. When t aken a s a s et, t he i ssues t hat su rfaced in the ESG materiality analysis indicate an increase in s takeholder e xpectations, in particular w ith r egard t o i ssues c onnected to climate change and social justice. The pandemic a lso p laced in creased e mphasis on employee health and well-being. Most of t he m aterial E SG i ssues o utlined o n t he following pages are not new to Citi nor to our stakeholders. What is new, however, is t he m agnitude a nd c omplexity o f t he changes required to rise to these challenges. For example, there is wide recognition that climate change is happening faster and with more i mpact t han p reviously r ealized; i n parallel, s ociety i s r eacting t o u nacceptable levels of social inequity. This assessment mirrors — and informs — our increased st rategic e fforts on t hese i ssues. It h as a lso d riven o ur in creased r eporting o n these ma terial t opics. Contents ESGatCiti SustainableFinance SustainableProgress Equitable&ResilientCommunities Talent&DEI RiskManagement&ResponsibleBusiness Appendices CITI 2021 ESG REPORT 13

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