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Taxation Policies and Standards Citi d oes b usiness i n m ore t han 1 60 countries a nd j urisdictions, a nd ma intains strong r eview a nd e scalation p rocesses that e nable u s t o a dhere t o h igh s tandards of c ompliance w ith ap plicable t ax l aws. W e are a c urrent i ncome t axpayer, b oth w ithin and o utside t he U nited S tates. O ur t ax profile i s c onsistent w ith t he l ocations o f our bu siness op erations. We e mphasize s trong i nternal c ontrols a nd transparency w ith g lobal t ax a uthorities and s hare i nformation r elevant t o o ur t ax profile. W e su pplement t his t ransparency with additional country-by-country report - ing, w hich i s r equired u nder t he O ECD’s action p lan t o a ddress b ase e rosion a nd profit s hifting. O ur t ax p olicy i s o verseen by o ur C hief T ax O fficer, w ho r eports t o the C hief F inancial O fficer. T ax p olicies a nd related m atters a re r eviewed b y t he A udit Committee o f t he B oard o f Di rectors. Citi m aintains a s trong s ystem o f c ontrols to f acilitate r eporting a nd w ithholding requirements. W e h ave s ystems a nd processes t o c omply w ith t he F oreign Account T ax C ompliance A ct, a nd w e a re in c ompliance w ith t he C ommon R eporting Standard i n a ll ap plicable c ountries w here local i mplementing g uidance h as b een issued. S imilarly, w e h ave a fi rm-wide p olicy applicable t o c ustomer t ransactions u nder which C iti w ill o nly e ngage i n t ransactions where t here i s a h igh d egree o f c ertainty that a ny t ax a spects w ill b e a ccepted b y t he respective t axing a uthorities. For m ore i nformation on h ow t axation impacts C iti, s ee p age 1 28 o f o ur 2021 Form 10-K . Public Policy Being a responsible corporate citizen includes engagement in the political process as a part of our strong ESG prac - tice. The potential impact of public policy on our business, employees, communities and customers is an important reason why Citi works to advance and protect the global business interests of our company directly and indirectly through engage - ment with trade associations, governments and elected officials around the world. Citi advocates for public policies that support the interests of our company, clients and employees, such as trade, cybersecurity, data localization, tax and financial reform. Guided by Citi’s Political E ngagement Statement , company political activities are performed in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Under U.S. Federal Election Commission rules, Citi’s Political Action Committee (Citi PAC) pools the voluntary contributions of eligible employees to support U.S. political candidates and campaigns that support the financial industry and complementary pro-business policies. In 2021, we reviewed and strengthened our principles for deter - mining future support by Citi PAC. The updated criteria include: • Support of business issues important to Citi • Position on a committee with jurisdic - tion over policy issues important to Citi, or elected leadership position • Representation of a state or district where Citi has a significant employee presence • Character and integrity, and demon - strated commitment to bipartisanship, governing and protecting democratic institutions Contents ESGatCiti SustainableFinance SustainableProgress Equitable&ResilientCommunities Talent&DEI RiskManagement&ResponsibleBusiness Appendices CITI 2021 ESG REPORT 112

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