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ESG Governance at Citi Good governance is a fundamental principle at Citi, and we work to ensure that we are at the leading edge of best practices. We strive to maintain the highest standards of ethical conduct — reporting with accuracy and transparency and complying with the laws, rules and regulations that govern Citi’s businesses. Corporate Governance Our governance structures, policies and processes serve employee, client and community needs; promote a culture of accountability and ethical conduct across our firm; and support our commitment to address global challenges through our core business. Citi’s Board of Directors plays an important role in providing oversight of our efforts to ensure responsible business practices. For example, the Personnel and Compensation Committee reviews all compensation programs, including incentive compensation, so that they do not, among other things, encourage imprudent risk taking. The Nomination, Governance and Public Affairs Committee (NGPAC) oversees Citi’s global ESG activities and performance. Our Ethics, Conduct and Culture Committee reflects our commitment to promote a strong culture of ethical conduct. The Risk Management Committee also provides oversight of climate risk. Standing committees of our Board include: • Audit • Ethics, Conduct and Culture • Executive • Nomination, Governance and Public Affairs • Personnel a nd C ompensation • Risk Management In addition, the Board formed the Transformation Oversight Committee, an ad hoc committee to provide oversight of management’s remediation of the issues identified in the consent orders with the Federal Reserve Board and Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. See our website for more information about Citi’s corporate governance, includ - ing our Board committee charters. See our 2021 TCFD Report for details on our gover - nance for climate change specifically. ESG Governance The NGPAC oversees our ESG activities. This committee’s responsibilities include reviewing our policies and programs for sustainability, climate change, human rights, diversity and other material ESG issues, as well as advising on engage - ment with external stakeholders. For more information on the roles and responsibilities of this committee, see the Nomination, Governance and Public Affairs Committee charter . In July 2021, we formed a new Global ESG Council to provide a senior management forum for oversight of our ESG commit - ments and ambition. The formation of the Council highlights our commitment to ESG matters, including our climate-related strategies, at the highest level of our organization. Chaired by our CEO, the Council meets on a near-monthly basis and includes members of the Executive Management Team as well as internal Contents ESGatCiti SustainableFinance SustainableProgress Equitable&ResilientCommunities Talent&DEI RiskManagement&ResponsibleBusiness Appendices CITI 2021 ESG REPORT 10

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