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Acting with Integrity We empower our employees to do what’s right by setting clear expectations through our Mission and Value Proposition, Leadership Principles and Code of Conduct, as well as by providing the tools and resources our employees need to act ethically, along with clear information about the various resources available to escalate c oncerns. Code of Conduct Citi’s Code o f C onduct o utlines t he standards o f e thics a nd p rofessional behavior e xpected o f e mployees a nd representatives o f C iti wh en d ealing with c lients, b usiness c olleagues, shareholders, c ommunities an d e ach other. I t a lso p rovides a n o verview o f k ey legal a nd r egulatory r equirements a nd select g lobal p olicies. Our Code reinforces for employees that Citi’s culture is one in which we take pride in always doing the right thing, hold ourselves an d e ach o ther a ccountable, an d feel c omfortable a nd eq uipped t o p romptly escalate c oncerns a bout a ctual o r p otential misconduct. I t a lso r eflects C iti’s o ngoing commitment to fostering a culture of diver - sity a nd i nclusion — o ne i n w hich d oing t he right thing includes showing empathy for our c olleagues, c lients a nd c ommunities; treating each other with respect and civility; and continuing to invest in colleagues from all b ackgrounds. Citi’s Code of Conduct applies to all directors, officers and employees of Citi worldwide. Upon joining Citi, employees must acknowledge that they have read and will comply with our Code. To best serve our global workforce, we publish our Code of C onduct i n 21 l anguages and make it publicly available on our Investor Relations website. I ndividuals p erforming s ervices for C iti m ay a lso b e su bject t o o ur C ode by c ontract o r a greement. A s e xplicitly stated i n o ur C ode, v iolations c an r esult in d isciplinary a ction u p t o a nd in cluding termination of employment or other rela - tionship w ith C iti. We p rovide C ode o f C onduct t raining t o new hires globally when they join Citi, as well as to nonemployee contingent workers performing services for Citi at their time of onboarding. In addition, we ask employees and contingent workers to periodically r eaffirm t heir c ommitment t o our Code through required Code of Conduct training. T he t raining in cludes h ypothetical work-related ethical scenarios that focus on m aking g ood d ecisions a nd p erforming our w ork i n a w ay t hat i s c onsistent w ith Citi’s v alues, c ulture, ap plicable l aws, an d Citi policies, standards and procedures. The training in cludes h ypothetical w ork-related situations t hat a llow e mployees t o p ractice ethical d ecision-making a nd r einforce k ey concepts f rom o ur C ode o f C onduct, M ission and V alue P roposition a nd o ur L eadership Principles. Li ke o ur C ode o f C onduct, t he training e mphasizes e mployees’ o bligation to p romptly r eport a ctual o r su spected misconduct a nd p rovides i nformation on the various resources available to them to do so. Leadership Principles In early 2021, we launched a new set of Leadership P rinciples t hat r eflect t he behaviors and expectations we have for ourselves i n l ine w ith o ur transformation to become a better, stronger bank. We encourage a ll e mployees t o d emonstrate the Leadership Principles in all that they do. Holding ourselves and each other to these high standards is part of our culture and our c ommitment t o o perating i n o ur c lients’ best i nterests, d riving ec onomic v alue a nd managing ri sk. We expect managers to lead by example and inspire their employees to live Citi’s values. Every manager is responsible for creating a work environment that is free of Citi’s Leadership Principles These principles represent the qualities, behaviors and expectations we all must exhibit to deliver on our mission of enabling growth and economic progress. They will contribute to creating a culture that drives client excellence, controls excel - lence and operational excellence. We take ownership: Challenging each other to high standards and welcoming that challenge; greeting change with optimism, curiosity and resilience; speaking with candor; learning from experience; and contributing to and honoring group decisions We deliver with pride: Striving for excellence across our business; simplifying, standardizing and clarifying our work; holding ourselves and others accountable for managing risk; fixing root causes of problems; and taking pride in doing the right thing We succeed together: Valuing and learning from different perspectives; breaking down barriers; measuring performance through a stakeholder lens; investing in colleagues from all backgrounds; and showing empathy for our colleagues, clients and communities. Contents ESGatCiti SustainableFinance SustainableProgress Equitable&ResilientCommunities Talent&DEI RiskManagement&ResponsibleBusiness Appendices CITI 2021 ESG REPORT 107

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