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Operational Footprint Goals We h ave b een m easuring o ur e nviron - mental f ootprint f or t wo d ecades a nd began r eporting o n o ur d irect o perational impacts i n 2 002. T his r eport m arks o ur first d isclosure o n p rogress a gainst o ur fourth g eneration o f o perational f ootprint goals, w hich w e a nnounced i n 2 020 a nd aim t o a chieve b y 2 025. T hese g oals a re aligned w ith a p athway t o l imit g lobal temperature r ise t o 1 .5°C a nd c over G HG emissions, e nergy u se, w ater c onsumption, waste r eduction a nd d iversion, a nd su stain - able b uilding d esign. Because o f t he o ngoing C OVID-19 pandemic, o ur f acilities w ere n ot u sed at fu ll c apacity i n 2 021, a nd o ur r elated resource c onsumption, w aste g eneration and G HG e missions w ere l ower t han t hey otherwise w ould h ave b een. W e r ecognize that i n s ome c ases t hese i mpacts w ere simply m oved t o e mployees’ h omes a nd other n on-Citi f acilities. A s a r esult o f having f ewer p eople u sing C iti b uildings, our p rogress f or 2 021 i ndicates t hat w e exceeded s ome o f o ur goa ls d uring t he year. T hat t rend c ould b riefly r everse i n t he coming y ears a s o ur e mployees c ontinue to r eturn t o t he o ffice, b efore p rogressing again t oward m eeting o ur g oals. 2025 Operational Footprint Goals This is the first year we are reporting progress against our 2025 goals. We expect our progress to fluctuate as the number of people occupying our facilities varies during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. In connection with our renewable electricity commitment, Citi is a member of RE100 — a global initiative led by the Climate Group and CDP (formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project), which are both part of the We Mean Business Coalition. In recognition of RE100’s requirements, we strive as much as possible to source 100% renewable electricity within the same market boundaries as our consumption. (MEASURED AGAINST A 2010 BASELINE) Goals Progress through 2021 GHG emissions 45% reduction in location-based GHG emissions 49.8% Energy 40% reduction in energy consumption 37.9% Maintain 100% renewable electricity sourcing 100.0% * Water 30% reduction in total water consumption 38.8% 25% of water consumed to come from reclaimed/reused sources 7.0% Sustainable buildings 40% of floor area to be LEED, WELL or equivalent certified 34.7% ** Waste 50% reduction in total waste 55.8% 50% of waste diverted from landfill 22.8% * 91% meeting RE100 market boundary criteria; 9% sourced from regionally aligned markets. ** 2021 total includes 14 EDGE projects in Latin America. Contents ESGatCiti SustainableFinance SustainableProgress Equitable&ResilientCommunities Talent& DEI RiskManagement&ResponsibleBusiness Appendices CITI 2021 ESG REPORT 51

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