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Respecting the Human Rights of Our Employees We expect every Citi employee to adhere to our Code of Conduct , which includes a commitment to human rights, and to participate in relevant training. Our Code of Conduct prohibits unlawful discrimina - tion, harassment and other behavior that infringes on individual rights. As stated in our Code of Conduct, Citi expects all employees, as well as suppliers, clients and community partners globally to respect the principle of nondiscrimination. Citi has identified workplace discrimination and threats to diversity and inclusion as salient human rights risks for our company. As such, respect for diversity and inclusion is a high priority wherever we operate. It can become a particular concern in countries where there is no legal p rotection a gainst d iscrimination based on gender, gender identity, race, ethnicity, age, religion, physical or mental disability or medical condition, or sexual orientation, in addition to a range of other essential characteristics inherent to iden - tity and personhood. Citi prohibits discrim - ination and harassment of our employees in all forms, regardless of whether or not individual protections are legally mandated in the countries and communities where we operate. In fact, we know that even in locations with anti-discrimination laws, there is still a need for companies to ensure that they are doing their part to respect individual rights. In 2021, we established a team in the United S tates t o i dentify a nd a ccelerate hiring o f d iverse t alent. W e a lso s trive t o increase t he d iversity o f o ur w orkforce through t he u se o f d iverse s lates i n o ur hiring p rocess a nd b y s etting a spirational goals r elated t o di verse r epresentation for A ssistant V ice P resident t o M anaging Director l evels. C iti h as a lso s igned t he Human R ights C ampaign’s Business Statement O pposing A nti-LGBTQ+ S tate Legislation . L earn m ore a bout o ur diversity, e quity a nd i nclusion e fforts in t he Talent a nd D iversity , Equity & Inclusion s ection . Freedom of Association Citi has employees who are represented by unions and works councils in a number of countries where we operate. In addition, a portion of our employee population is covered by collective bargaining agreements. We engage directly with our employees and through these associations to discuss issues such as health and safety, remuneration, work hours, training, career development, work time flexibility and equal opportunity. Information related to freedom of association is communicated to employees through various mediums, including employee handbooks, our intranet and employee emails. Extending Respect for Human Rights Through Our Suppliers Our nondiscrimination policies extend to Citi’s suppliers, and we do not work with suppliers that are discovered to discriminate on the basis of personal characteristics, such as gender, race and sexual orientation. Since 1977, we have used our supplier diversity program to empower communities around the world. We communicate our approach to human rights to our suppliers in our Statement of Supplier Principles . Our approach is reinforced by our Corporate Responsibility Questionnaire (CRQ). This questionnaire helps our procurement team determine how potential and current suppliers manage environmental and social issues, including human rights issues. Building on our prior efforts, we have updated and expanded our CRQ to improve supplier engagement and evaluation of their operations. The latest assessment expands on our previous questions in the areas of modern slavery, supplier diversity, environmental sustainability, corporate responsibility, labor rights and workplace safety. In addition, we have introduced additional screening related to modern slavery for suppliers in high-risk sectors and countries. Citi is committed to SDG 8 , which aims to promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all . This is exemplified by our work to fight modern slavery in our value chain, along with our related reporting, policies, due diligence and risk assessments. In particular, our initiatives in these areas address target 8.7 , which includes a mandate to eradicate forced labor, end modern slavery and human trafficking and end child labor in all its forms . SDG Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth MODERN SLAVERY DISCLOSURES Each year, we disclose our approach to identifying and mitigating the risks of modern slavery in our operations (including client transactions) and in our supply chain. The disclosures cover information about our governance and policies related to modern slavery, risk assessment and due diligence processes, and training. In 2021, we released our first Modern Slavery Statement specific to Australia. Contents ESGatCiti SustainableFinance SustainableProgress Equitable&ResilientCommunities Talent&DEI RiskManagement&ResponsibleBusiness Appendices CITI 2021 ESG REPORT 129

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