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Citi Global Wealth DiSCLoSUreS | | 107 Investments Disclosures Citi Global Executive Preferred, and Citi Global Executive Account believed by Citi to be reliable, its accuracy and completeness cannot Packages. Investment products and services are made available be assured, and such information may be incomplete or condensed. In any instance where distribution of this communication through Citi Personal Investments International (“CPII”), a business Any assumptions or information contained in this Communication (“Communication”) is subject to the rules of the US Commodity of Citigroup which offers securities through CGMI, member FINRA and constitute a judgment only as of the date of this document or Futures Trading Commission (“CFTC”), this communication SIPC, an investment advisor and broker–dealer registered with the on any specified dates and is subject to change without notice. constitutes an invitation to consider entering into a derivatives Securities and Exchange Commission CGMI and investment accounts Insofar as this Communication may contain historical and forward transaction under US CFTC Regulations §§ 1.71 and 23.605, are carried by Pershing LLC, member FINRA, NYSE, and SIPC. looking information, past performance is neither a guarantee nor where applicable, but is not a binding offer to buy/sell any Insurance is offered by CPII through CLA. In California, CLA does an indication of future results, and future results may not meet financial instrument. business as Citigroup Life Insurance Agency, LLC (license number expectations due to a variety of economic, market and other 0G56746). Citibank, N.A., CGMI and CLA are affiliated companies factors. Further, any projections of potential risk or return are This Communication is prepared by Citi Global Wealth Investments under common control of Citigroup Inc. illustrative and should not be taken as limitations of the maximum (“CGWI”) which is comprised of the Investments and Capital Markets possible loss or gain. Any prices, values or estimates provided in capabilities of Citi Private Bank, Citi Personal Wealth Management CGWI personnel are not research analysts, and the information in this this Communication (other than those that are identified as being and International Personal Bank U.S. Communication is not intended to constitute “research”, as that term historical) are indicative only, may change without notice and do is defined by applicable regulations. Unless otherwise indicated, any not represent firm quotes as to either price or size, nor reflect the Citi Private Bank and Citi Personal Wealth Management are reference to a research report or research recommendation is not value Citi may assign a security in its inventory. Forward looking businesses of Citigroup Inc. (“Citigroup”), which provide clients intended to represent the whole report and is not in itself considered information does not indicate a level at which Citi is prepared to do access to a broad array of products and services available through a recommendation or research report. a trade and may not account for all relevant assumptions and future bank and non-bank affiliates of Citigroup. Not all products and This Communication is provided for information and discussion conditions. Actual conditions may vary substantially from estimates services are provided by all affiliates or are available at all locations. purposes only, at the recipient’s request. The recipient should which could have a negative impact on the value of an instrument. In the U.S., investment products and services are provided by notify CGWI immediately should it at any time wish to cease being Views, opinions and estimates expressed herein may differ from the Citigroup Global Markets Inc. (“CGMI”), member FINRA and SIPC, provided with such information. Unless otherwise indicated, (i) opinions expressed by other Citi businesses or affiliates, and are and Citi Private Advisory, LLC (“CPA”), member FINRA and SIPC and it does not constitute an offer or recommendation to purchase not intended to be a forecast of future events, a guarantee of future Citi Global Alternatives, LLC (“CGA”). CGMI accounts are carried by or sell any security, financial instrument or other product or results, or investment advice, and are subject to change without Pershing LLC, member FINRA, NYSE, SIPC. CPA acts as distributor service, or to attract any funding or deposits, and (ii) it does not notice based on market and other conditions. Citi is under no duty to of certain alternative investment products to clients of Citi Private constitute a solicitation if it is not subject to the rules of the CFTC update this document and accepts no liability for any loss (whether Bank. Insurance is offered by Citi Personal Wealth Management (but see discussion above regarding communication subject to CFTC direct, indirect or consequential) that may arise from any use of the through Citigroup Life Agency LLC (“CLA”). In California, CLA does rules) and (iii) it is not intended as an official confirmation of any information contained in or derived from this Communication. business as Citigroup Life Insurance Agency, LLC (license number transaction. 0G56746). CGMI, CPA, CGA, CLA and Citibank, N.A. are affiliated Investments in financial instruments or other products carry companies under the common control of Citigroup. Unless otherwise expressly indicated, this Communication does significant risk, including the possible loss of the principal amount Outside the U.S., investment products and services are provided not take into account the investment objectives, risk profile or invested. Financial instruments or other products denominated in by other Citigroup affiliates. Investment Management services financial situation of any particular person and as such, investments a foreign currency are subject to exchange rate fluctuations, which (including portfolio management) are available through CGMI, mentioned in this document may not be suitable for all investors. Citi may have an adverse effect on the price or value of an investment CGA, Citibank, N.A. and other affiliated advisory businesses. These is not acting as an investment or other advisor, fiduciary or agent. in such products. This Communication does not purport to identify Citigroup affiliates, including CGA, will be compensated for the The information contained herein is not intended to be an exhaustive all risks or material considerations which may be associated with respective investment management, advisory, administrative, discussion of the strategies or concepts mentioned herein or tax or entering into any transaction. distribution and placement services they may provide. legal advice. Recipients of this Communication should obtain advice based on their own individual circumstances from their own tax, Structured products can be highly illiquid and are not suitable for International Personal Bank U.S. (“IPB U.S.”), is a business of financial, legal and other advisors about the risks and merits of any all investors. Additional information can be found in the disclosure Citigroup which provides its clients access to a broad array of transaction before making an investment decision, and only make documents of the issuer for each respective structured product products and services available through Citigroup, its bank and such decisions on the basis of their own objectives, experience, risk described herein. Investing in structured products is intended only non-bank affiliates worldwide (collectively, “Citi”). Through IPB profile and resources. for experienced and sophisticated investors who are willing and able U.S. prospects and clients have access to the Citigold® Private to bear the high economic risks of such an investment. Investors Client International, Citigold® International, International Personal, The information contained in this Communication is based on should carefully review and consider potential risks before investing. generally available information and, although obtained from sources

Citi Wealth Outlook 2023 - Page 107 Citi Wealth Outlook 2023 Page 106 Page 108