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Citi Global Wealth DiSCLoSUreS | | 111 Investments Depositors Compensation Scheme. The Scheme offers protection for The information in this document has been obtained from reports Market Specific Disclosures eligible deposits of up to £50,000. The maximum total amount of issued by CGMI and CGWI. Such information is based on sources compensation is capped at £100,000,000 in any 5 year period. CGMI and CGWI believe to be reliable. CGMI and CGWI, however, do Bahrain: Citibank, N.A., Bahrain Branch is licensed by the Central Full details of the Scheme and banking groups covered are available not guarantee its accuracy and it may be incomplete or condensed. Bank of Bahrain as a Wholesale and Retail conventional bank. on the States of Jersey website, or on request. All opinions and estimates constitute CGMI and CGWI’s judgment Investment and Treasury products are subject to Investment as of the date of the report and are subject to change without risk, including possible loss of principal amount invested. Past In Canada, Citi Private Bank is a division of Citibank Canada, a notice. This document is for general information purposes only performance is not indicative of future results: prices can go up or Schedule II Canadian chartered bank. References herein to Citi and is not intended as a recommendation or an offer or solicitation down. Investors investing in investments and/or treasury products Private Bank and its activities in Canada relate solely to Citibank for the purchase or sale of any security or currency. No part of denominated in foreign (non-local) currency should be aware Canada and do not refer to any affiliates or subsidiaries of Citibank this document may be reproduced in any manner without the of the risk of exchange rate fluctuations that may cause loss of Canada operating in Canada. Certain investment products are written consent of Citibank N.A. Information in this document principal when foreign currency is converted to the investors’ home made available through Citibank Canada Investment Funds Limited has been prepared without taking account of the objectives, currency. Investment and Treasury products are not available to (“CCIFL”), a wholly owned subsidiary of Citibank Canada. Investment financial situation, or needs of any particular investor. Any person U.S. persons. All applications for investments and treasury products Products are subject to investment risk, including possible loss of considering an investment should consider the appropriateness of are subject to Terms and Conditions of the individual investment principal amount invested. Investment Products are not insured by the investment having regard to their objectives, financial situation, and Treasury products. Customer understands that it is his/ the CDIC, FDIC or depository insurance regime of any jurisdiction and or needs, and should seek independent advice on the suitability or her responsibility to seek legal and/or tax advice regarding the are not guaranteed by Citigroup or any affiliate thereof. otherwise of a particular investment. Investments are not deposits, legal and tax consequences of his/her investment transactions. are not obligations of, or guaranteed or insured by Citibank N.A., If customer changes residence, citizenship, nationality, or place This document is for information purposes only and does not Citigroup Inc., or any of their affiliates or subsidiaries, or by any of work, it is his/her responsibility to understand how his/her constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any local government or insurance agency, and are subject to investment investment transactions are affected by such change and comply securities to any person in any jurisdiction. The information set out risk, including the possible loss of the principal amount invested. with all applicable laws and regulations as and when such becomes herein may be subject to updating, completion, revision, verification Investors investing in funds denominated in non-local currency applicable. Customer understands that Citibank does not provide and amendment and such information may change materially. should be aware of the risk of exchange rate fluctuations that may legal and/or tax advice and are not responsible for advising him/her Citigroup, its affiliates and any of the officers, directors, employees, cause a loss of principal. Past performance is not indicative of on the laws pertaining to his/her transaction. representatives or agents shall not be held liable for any direct, future performance, prices can go up or down. Investment products Hong Kong: This communication is distributed in Hong Kong by indirect, incidental, special, or consequential damages, including are not available to US persons. Investors should be aware that it Citibank (Hong Kong) Limited (“CHKL”) and/or Citibank, N.A., Hong loss of profits, arising out of the use of information contained is his/her responsibility to seek legal and/or tax advice regarding Kong Branch (“CBNA HK”, Citibank, N.A. is organized under the herein, including through errors whether caused by negligence or the legal and tax consequences of his/her investment transactions. laws of U.S.A. with limited liability). CHKL and CBNA HK provide no otherwise. If an investor changes residence, citizenship, nationality, or place independent research or analysis in the substance or preparation of work, it is his/her responsibility to understand how his/her of this communication. Although information in this communication CCIFL is not currently a member, and does not intend to become investment transactions are affected by such change and comply has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, CHKL and a member of the Mutual Fund Dealers Association of Canada with all applicable laws and regulations as and when such becomes CBNA HK do not guarantee its accuracy or completeness and accept (“MFDA”); consequently, clients of CCIFL will not have available to applicable. Citibank does not provide legal and/or tax advice and no liability for any direct or consequential losses arising from its use. them investor protection benefits that would otherwise derive from is not responsible for advising an investor on the laws pertaining to membership of CCIFL in the MFDA, including coverage under any his/her transaction. This communication is for general information only, is not intended investor protection plan for clients of members of the MFDA. Citi Research (CR) is a division of Citigroup Global Markets Inc. as a recommendation or an offer or solicitation for the purchase or Global Consumer Bank (Asia Pacific and EMEA): (the “Firm”), which does and seeks to do business with companies sale of any products or services and should not be relied upon as covered in its research reports. As a result, investors should be financial advice. The information herein has not taken account of the “Citi analysts” refer to investment professionals within Citi aware that the Firm may have a conflict of interest that could affect objectives, financial situation or needs of any particular investor. Research (“CR”), Citi Global Markets Inc. (“CGMI”), Citi Global the objectivity of this report. Investors should consider this report as Any person considering an investment should consider the suitability Wealth Investments (“CGWI”) and voting members of the Citi only a single factor in making their investment decision. of the investment having regard to their objectives, financial Global Investment Committee. Citibank N.A. and its affiliates / situation and needs, and you should seek independent advice before subsidiaries provide no independent research or analysis in the For more information, please refer to making an investment decision. You should obtain and consider the substance or preparation of this document. cvr/eppublic/citi_research_disclosures. relevant product terms and conditions and risk disclosure statement,

Citi Wealth Outlook 2023 - Page 111 Citi Wealth Outlook 2023 Page 110 Page 112