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CONTENTS LETTER FROM LETTER FROM SUSTAINABILITY 2025 SUSTAINABILITY SUSTAINABILITY DRIVING SOCIAL HELPING PRESERVING NOEL WALLACE ANN TRACY HIGHLIGHTS SUSTAINABILITY MANAGEMENT GOVERNANCE IMPACT MILLIONS OF OUR STRATEGY HOMES ENVIRONMENT Energy Reduction Teams Colgate’s Global Energy Reduction Team leads the technical implementation of Colgate’s energy strategy by setting annual objectives and developing tools and programs to help our sites reach their energy reduction targets. This cross-functional global team is composed of individuals with expertise and passion for reducing Colgate’s energy use and GHG emissions. For 18 years, this dedicated team has continued to focus on supporting our plants with many tools, activities and initiatives. Renewable Electricity In 2021, we developed a Renewable Energy Master Plan (REMP) to help reach 100% renewable electricity across our operations. The REMP has been informed by third-party energy experts providing intelligence on the available tactics to obtain renewable electricity at each of our locations. Also, to help achieve our 100% renewable electricity by 2030 target across our operations, we have assigned responsibility for renewable energy to our division procurement leaders. In 2021, people at our Mission Hills manufacturing The four primary tactics of the Renewable Energy Master Plan are: facility in Mexico discovered 58 energy 1. On-Site Solar Generation 2. Utility Green Power 3. Verified Renewable Energy Certificates 4. Virtual Power Purchase Agreements projects to reduce the site’s energy consumption. Our REMP provides detailed visibility into the In 2021, five new on-site solar installations were timelines and milestones to reach 100% renewable completed at Colgate facilities in India, Turkey, electricity for each manufacturing site and Colgate- Greece and two in the United States. In addition, owned warehouse and office across the four our Burlington, New Jersey, location installed and tactics. activated solar panels that are capable of providing 100% of their onsite electricity load. 2021 SUSTAINABILITY AND SOCIAL IMPACT REPORT PAGE 64

Colgate Palmolive Sustainability & Social Impact Report - Page 65 Colgate Palmolive Sustainability & Social Impact Report Page 64 Page 66