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51 CONTENT MARKETING HACKS CHAPTER 1 A 213 Year Old Business Reveals Two Content Marketing Secrets of Today's Publishing Empires June 26, 2014 Just a week ago, I was in Paris for the first time in my life. My son and I were walking down Rue de Rivoli and we came across a bookstore that made a surprising claim. The bookstore was called Galignani and it said that it was "the first English bookstore established on the continent." I later discovered (from the man behind the counter inside) that this bookstore was opened in 1801 and had been at its current location at 1856 at Rue de Rivoli since 1856. I also learned that it was still owned and run by descendants of the Galignani family. As an American, whose country isn't much older than this store, it was amazing to be in a business that has been in existence for so long. And since I am a book- addict, I had to buy a book from this historical spot. The Amazing Publishing History of the Galignani Family When I got home, I went to the store website and discovered some other very interesting things about the Galignani family. 1. They were some of the first people to use, what was then, the recently invented printing press to distribute their books to a larger audience. Beginning in 1520, Simone Galignani published a Latin grammar book in Venice, which is the oldest known "Galignani". ©2015 Scott Aughtmon #51contentmarketinghacks 11

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