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CuSTomeR SToRieS: The SwiSS ARmY knife of mARkeTinG Customer stories are so useful in so many situations that every enterprise should have them on hand at all times. heir value is easy to see: who work with them, and why that work can say you’re awesome more is valuable. Following are four key Tcredibly than your customers elements of stories that get the job and clients? What’s not always done—and then some. easy to see is what makes a good 1. The right subject. When consider- customer story or case study—the ing story candidates, ask yourself, kind that’s persuasive, compelling are you truly proud of your work? and usable all over the place. Can you talk about results? (Some Good customer stories aren’t just customers are willing to say nice about good customers, or about how things but are leery of revealing good you are to them. The most specifics; sometimes you’ve made effective stories illustrate the type the customer happy but can’t point of customer you work with, how you to any outcomes.) Is the client | Content marketing manifesto | 10

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