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CHAPTERS 1. About content marketing 1 1.1. What can be implied as content? 3 1.2. What is content marketing? 3 1.3. Traditional vs. content marketing 6 1.4. Why do world brands use content marketing 9 1.5. Steps in content marketing creation 11 2. Forms of content marketing 14 2.1. Blog 16 2.2. Infographics 19 2.3. Ebook 21 2.4. Case study 22 2.5. Video 23 3. Top examples of successful content marketing 24 3.1. Hubspot - Blog 25 3.2. TED - Videoconferences 26 3.3. Zomato - Posts on social media 27 3.4. The Furrow - Content marketing in reality 29 3.5. Lush - The combination 30 4. How to measure the success of content marketing 31 5. Case study - How to promote a city with the help of content marketing and blog writing - Love Zagreb 33 5.1. Challenge: How to create a story? 34 5.2. Goals 35 5.3. How did we achieve what we wanted? 35 5.4. The results 36 6. Sources 37

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