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35 DAVITA.COM/COMMUNITYCARE Emergency Operations Centers (EOCs) to prepare for acute and chronic physical risks. The BC Steering Committee, led by the BC team and comprised of senior leaders, including the GVP of Real Estate, Development and Facilities, reviews risk assessments and incorporates the findings into operational plans as appropriate. We expect that our existing programs to mitigate climate-related risks will continue to evolve. Informed by our risk assessment, we are evaluating potential areas for engagement between 2022 and 2025. We believe that potential facility damage and disruption from flooding and other extreme weather events is one of DaVita’s most important physical risks in the short term. We plan to explore the effectiveness of potential mitigation measures at facilities identified as having higher risk exposure from extreme weather. The primary goal of physical risk mitigation will be to reduce facility downtime and increase the resiliency of our treatment centers. C. Describe how processes for identifying, assessing and managing climate-related risks are integrated into the organization’s overall risk management. A review conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 2020 concluded that climate-related events such as loss of electricity and clean water, blocked roads, and mass evacuations could lead to the closure of dialysis centers and missed dialysis sessions. Studies cited by the CDC noted that missed or delayed dialysis sessions have been linked to increased hospitalizations and mortality for dialysis patients. As a result, climate-related risks are part of our broader risk management strategy. BC is aligned with our Enterprise Risk Services (ERS) team on assessing supply chain risk and business continuity plans for various departments. Additionally, BC provides periodic updates to the Audit Committee of the Board on Business Continuity no less than once annually. To help mitigate physical climate risks, BC assists with emergency preparedness and emergency response for the enterprise. We work with every facility to develop and test emergency plans and provide support as needed during a real event. We develop an integrated response to potential hazards and carefully coordinate patient care when significant events occur. In addition to event response, DaVita BC works to test and train DaVita’s care providers. This includes: developing training programs that result in demonstrated knowledge of emergency procedures and implementing drills and exercises to test emergency plans. Risks related to climate and weather are identified and assessed before developing and stress testing these plans and procedures. BC works proactively on issues in the context of climate change, working to mitigate the impact of potential future emergencies such as water shortages, power outages, and high water events that may be increased in severity by climate change. We also engage local emergency operations centers (EOC’s) and public health agencies across the United States with the goal of creating a more resilient healthcare community and being proactive in identifying disasters risks across the U.S. Leadership in BC and the ESG Steering Committee also coordinate with DaVita’s Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) and management Disclosure Committee to incorporate ESG related issues, including climate change, into DaVita’s broader ERM and corporate disclosure processes, respectively. Metrics and Targets Disclose the metrics and targets used to assess and manage relevant climate-related risks and opportunities. A. Disclose the metrics used by the organization to assess climate-related risks and opportunities in line with its strategy and risk management process. ESG DATA TABLES—SASB METRICS AND TCFD REPORT

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