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Deutsche Bank Employees and corporate social responsibility Non-Financial Report 2022 Corporate social responsibility CSR key performance indicators 2022 2021 2020 Total investments, in € m. 55.1 52.1 51.7 Investments per area of activity (in %) Born to Be/Education 24 18 17 Made for Good/Enterprise 5 5 4 1 In the Community (incl. How We Live ) 30 33 36 Plus You/Corporate Volunteering 8 8 9 Art, Culture and Sports 33 36 34 Investments per region (in %) Germany 48 52 53 Americas 20 18 19 Asia/Pacific (incl. Japan) 20 16 15 UK 10 12 10 Europe/Middle East/Africa 2 2 3 2 Motivation of contribution (in % of projects) Community investments 49 51 46 Mandatory contributions (Community Reinvestment Act investments US, Companies Act India) 31 31 31 Charitable donations 16 16 21 Commercial sponsorships 4 2 2 3 External perception of Deutsche Bank as a responsible corporate citizen (global B2B market) / (in %) 52 64 67 People reached with initiatives in m. 3.3 3.2 3.7 1 CSR programs: Born to Be, Made for Good, In the Community (incl. How We Live ) 1.4 1.8 2.4 Art, Culture & Sports 1.9 1.4 1.3 Born to Be Born to Be projects supported by corporate volunteers (in %) 49 59 57 Cumulative Born to Be beneficiaries in m. (since 2014) 5.7 5.3 4.9 Made for Good Made for Good enterprise projects supported by corporate volunteers (in %) 34 26 33 Cumulative number of participating social enterprises (since 2016) 26,908 25,534 23,078 Cumulative number of Made for Good beneficiaries in m. (since 2016) 1.6 1.4 1.2 In the Community Community projects supported by corporate volunteers (in %) 33 37 36 1 Cumulative number of beneficiaries of community projects in m. (since 2015, incl. How We Live ) 5.4 4.9 4.2 4 Plus You - Volunteering and Giving Employees participating in the bank's volunteer programs 18,707 15,487 12,885 in % of total staff 22 18 17 Hours invested by corporate volunteers 187,232 133,535 157,863 Total employee donations and matching by Deutsche Bank, in € m. 8.4 7.4 8.8 1 For 2022 only 2 Source: Global Impact Tracking 2022 (68 % of total investments) 3 Representative global B2B survey in 14 countries; top-2-values on 5-point scale 4 2020 data excl. Postbank brand 122

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