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Deutsche Bank Introduction Non-Financial Report 2022 About this report About this report GRI 2-3 This annual Non-Financial Report 2022, which covers the reporting period from January 1, 2022, to December 31, 2022, communicates Deutsche Bank’s group-wide management approaches for a set of non-financial topics, major activities, and the related progress made in 2022. It also describes Deutsche Bank’s governance, policies, and set-up for these topics. Content within the report marked by a line in the margin corresponds to the mandatory “Non-Financial Statement” within the meaning of Section 315b German Commercial Code (Handelsgesetzbuch, HGB). The “Non-Financial Statement” complies with Section 315c (1) HGB in conjunction with Section 289c HGB. The mandatory description of the business model to which this report refers is found in the Annual Report – Combined Management Report – Operating and Financial Review – Deutsche Bank Group. This section of the Annual Report and the Non-Financial Report are prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Sustainability Reporting Standards. References to show compliance with GRI Standards are indicated in the respective chapter and/or sub-chapter heading. In addition, a GRI table is published in the Appendix. Certain information required by GRI 207 Tax is part of the Country-By-Country Reporting in the Notes to the Annual Report of Deutsche Bank Group to which this report refers. Furthermore, the “Non-Financial Statement” complies with the disclosure obligations under Article 8 (1) and (3) of the Taxonomy Regulation and the respective specifications in Articles 4 and 10 (2) of the associated Delegated Act. The Non-Financial Report 2022 is subject to a limited assurance engagement as seen in the Reports of the Independent Auditor. Disclosures for prior years and references to additional information beyond the scope of the Non-Financial Report (for example, external websites) are not subject to the limited assurance procedures for the 2022 reporting period. References to websites or other publications of Deutsche Bank are not subject to independent verification and are indicated by an asterisk (*). The Non-Financial Report 2022 uses reporting metrics of the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Standards and includes a table that indicates which of its chapters and sub-chapters contain disclosures recommended by the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). The report discusses the topics required for Deutsche Bank’s communication on progress for the UN Global Compact (see GRI Content Index and UN Global Compact in the Appendix). 8

Deutsche Bank Non Financial Report  - Page 9 Deutsche Bank Non Financial Report Page 8 Page 10
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