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Deutsche Bank Non-Financial Report 2022 Governance and operations at a glance Integrity The Code of Conduct sets out standards of Client Innovation behavior and conduct to which the bank and Centricity all its employees are expected to adhere To ensure that sustainability is a priority Deutsche Bank’s throughout the bank, the remuneration of the Values Management Board has been linked to the sustainability strategy and ESG objectives Sustainable Discipline Performance Partnership Facts and 昀椀gures 2022 86 % 81 % 83 >1,900 of the new managers of respondents to our 2022 culture, integrity and conduct employees dedicated to the completed speak-up training People Survey felt able to initiatives across divisions 昀椀ght against 昀椀nancial crime express their views freely in and infrastructure functions as part of a stand-alone, their working environment second line of defense unit Data protection Anti-昀椀nancial crime Public policy Tax Product responsiblity No personal data Signi昀椀cant increase in No permission of The bank has a clear Tailored controls and breaches with material headcount to protect direct or indirect framework setting out governance in place impact to individuals the bank and society contribution to roles and responsibilities across businesses to observed from 昀椀nancial crime political parties to ensure compliance responsibly design and with the tax obligations o昀昀er products and services to clients 70

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