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Deutsche Bank Employees and corporate social responsibility Non-Financial Report 2022 Employment and employability Acceleration programs 2022 2021 2020¹ Thereof: Thereof: Thereof: Deutsche Bank Deutsche Bank Deutsche Bank Deutsche Bank Deutsche Bank Deutsche Bank Group AG Group AG Group AG Participation in cross divisional talent acceleration programs (headcount) ATLAS acceleration program for senior 18 13 19 13 n/a n/a female Managing Directors Director acceleration program 123 94 115 76 n/a n/a thereof women (in %) 41.5 43.6 47.0 43.4 n/a n/a Vice President acceleration program 300 197 291 176 n/a n/a thereof women (in %) 49.7 49.7 45.0 43.2 n/a n/a 1 In-person talent acceleration programs were suspended in 2020 owing to COVID-19 pandemic Employee feedback culture GRI 2-18/23/29 Deutsche Bank puts care into hiring the right people, developing them, and ensuring they have the relevant skills. In turn, the bank’s employees need to be heard, included, recognized, cared for, and provided with positive leadership to promote productivity. Strong relationships, open communication, and learning from feedback are essential for fostering this environment. The bank has therefore made regular conversations between manager and employee a central feature of how it manages and develops performance and careers in the long term. The bank believes these conversations promote a trusting environment in which employees feel comfortable bringing up personal issues, asking for support in solving business problems, and addressing performance or behavior issues that need to improve, change, or stop. The bank’s annual People Survey asks employees to say how they feel about their job, the bank, what it does well, and where it needs to improve. The survey measures key indicators, such as commitment (degree of pride and motivation as employees, willingness to recommend the bank to friends and family), enablement (degree of productivity in their role, its challenge and interest to them, and whether they have the right skills, tools, and resources to perform it well), and engagement with the bank’s values (familiarity with the values and the behaviors that contribute to a productive environment). The survey also addresses strategically important issues, such as active and visible leadership and the bank’s ethics, conduct, and Speak-Up Culture. The People Survey contains four questions about the frequency and quality of upward and downward feedback, team meetings, and appreciation with results consistently showing that regular conversations (once a month or more frequently) make a positive difference in employees’ motivation and perceived productivity. Since 2020 these four questions have been asked in a quarterly survey to provide for a feedback culture KPI, which is reported to the Management Board. In 2022 the feedback culture survey and KPI were renamed ‘Culture Pulse KPI’ and enhanced by the addition of a question about productive behaviors and an increased target. Goal and progress of the bank’s feedback culture 2022 2021 2020 Goal Result Result Result 1 Employee Feedback Culture Index (in%) 72 73 70 71 Deutsche Bank Group 1 Employee feedback culture index represents the average favorability score in the fourth quarter in percent An index of 70% or higher indicates a healthy corporate culture in which employees have frequent and high-quality interactions with their manager, know expected behaviors, and feel productive and motivated. Future of Work GRI 2-25, 3-3, 401-2, 403-1/5/6, 404-2 Hybrid work model Deutsche Bank is a leading global organization because of its employees. Many of the bank’s employees had not experienced remote work until the COVID-19 pandemic. The bank’s regular Future of Work survey asked whether they would like to retain it to some degree. The majority of the bank’s employees prefer to work remotely one day per week or more. The bank believes hybrid work enables employees to combine the benefits of both remote and in-office work. The latter, however, remains critical for the face-to-face collaboration that fosters team spirit and creativity and that enables the bank to live up to its responsibilities toward its clients. Voluntary arrangements enable eligible employees to work remotely one to three days a week. The agreed-on schedule requires flexibility from both sides: employees may occasionally need to stay home on an in-office day or work in the office on a remote workday. 115

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