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Deutsche Bank Governance and operations Non-Financial Report 2022 Client satisfaction DWS, the bank’s asset manager, conducts annual client satisfaction surveys for its clients. The topics of one of the surveys in DWS’ home market include for example friendliness of staff, professional competence, comprehensibility and solution orientation as well as sales-specific questions. For this survey, the overall participation increased to 9.6% from 9.2% compared to 2021. Other surveys are for example conducted in the US for insurance clients. This survey continues to show a consistently positive overall satisfaction rating of above 90% over the last five years. In 2022 DWS also introduced a new customer satisfaction survey for DWS top 50 global clients, including strategic partners. The so-called Net Promoter Score indicates how likely DWS is to be recommended to a business partner. DWS achieved a score of 50, compared to an average of 28 in the investment firm industry. DWS’ plan is to expand the Net Promoter Score survey to their entire customer base to continuously monitor and improve customer satisfaction. Complaint management GRI 2-25/26/29, 404-2 Deutsche Bank has established global processes for dealing with customer complaints. They are delineated in the global Minimum Requirements for Handling and Recording of Complaints policy and detailed in the Governance Procedure for Handling of Customer Complaints. Further policies and procedures at country and/or divisional level supplement the global standards as required. The global policy and procedure comply with the “Guidelines for complaints-handling for the securities (European Securities and Markets Authority) and banking (European Banking Authority) sectors,” as jointly issued by the Europeans Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) and the European Banking Authority (EBA) and with their interpretation by the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht, BaFin). Their objectives are to set global minimum standards for handling complaints and to ensure that all locations, branches, and subsidiaries handle and resolve complaints impartially and without undue delay. It applies to all business divisions and supporting infrastructure functions (together Units). All Units are responsible for implementing the global policy and the global procedure respectively. As a matter of principle, Deutsche Bank strives to prevent complaints from arising. The bank does this by aspiring to address challenges before they arise. If this is not possible, the bank seeks to contact complainants (clients and non-clients) and reach a solution at the first contact. Complainants can address their complaints in any local branch, by email, online, or phone, and through authorized third parties. Deutsche Bank strives to confirm receipt of complaints as soon as possible and to work on resolving them quickly and transparently. Furthermore, the bank continuously monitors complaints to detect emerging trends and to identify the root causes. Additionally, Deutsche Bank screens its complaints for reoccurring issues. Respective metrics are included in reports to the Senior Management including the Management Board and are also shared with the Compliance function. Among others, the number of complaints, their root causes, risk type (clustered by the Bank’s group-wide non- financial risk type taxonomy), the non-financial impact category, and time to closure are reported through the bank’s management information systems. Complaints that pose a particularly high risk of causing significant harm to Deutsche Bank or its customers are being escalated promptly to relevant functions to commence further investigations where necessary. In 2022, Corporate Bank's oversight and management of its complaint’s governance framework (via the Complaints Oversight Forum) has transitioned into an integrated global program. Corporate Bank continued to enhance the program through additional risk-mitigating activities conducted in 2021, including integration of feedback from previous Controls Testing reviews, to further strengthen the framework. There has also been an improvement in the Controls Testing reviews conducted in 2022, validating the design and operating effectiveness of the Complaints Handling Framework within Corporate Bank. There continues to be a concentration of complaints for Corporate Bank received by Business Banking in Germany. The top root cause categories of complaints across Corporate Bank are: Operational issues; Client communications; and Application issues. Investment Bank likewise continued its efforts to improve complaint management and took steps to further improve control and governance. Complaints are reviewed by business and Compliance each month and checklists are utilized by the Divisional Control Office to ensure that complaint logs are complete and accurate. Recent focus has been on escalation to relevant 2LoD to ensure complaints are resolved with input from all stakeholders and in particular anything relating to alleged misconduct is properly investigated and escalated in accordance with the Bank’s regulatory reporting obligations. In 2022 the most common root cause of complaints continues to be operational issues, but complaints have also been recorded relating to pricing or trade execution issues, and a handful in relation to alleged misconduct in Fixed Income and Currencies (none of which were upheld). Private Bank does business in several countries and offers a wide range of products and services to heterogenous client segments. This makes its complaint management correspondingly complex. Nevertheless, Private Bank has established reliable and effective complaint management with sub-divisional processes, enabling it to address in compliance with the laws and regulations of the countries in which the division operates. 98

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