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Deutsche Bank Governance and operations Non-Financial Report 2022 Client satisfaction Client satisfaction – Client centricity is one of the bank’s core values – Client satisfaction remained largely stable in 2022 GRI 2-23/24/29 Client centricity is one of the six core values articulated in Deutsche Bank’s Code of Conduct and a focus area of its management agenda. Satisfied and loyal clients are vital for sustainable growth and the bank’s ongoing success. That is why gathering client feedback systematically is an important aspect of Deutsche Bank’s client centricity strategy, which is central to its transformation initiatives. Deutsche Bank strives continually to orientate its actions toward clients’ needs and expectations while ensuring that it complies with laws and regulations relating to the provision of financial products and services. As of December 31, 2022, the bank was organized into four business divisions: Corporate Bank, Investment Bank, Private Bank, and Asset Management. In addition, the bank has a country and regional organizational layer. Each of the bank’s business divisions assesses client satisfaction in ways that make sense for its specific client groups. Deutsche Bank draws on client feedback to conduct quality assurance and, if necessary, to design improvement programs. Aggregated feedback on the main trends, insights gained, and corrective actions is communicated to senior management and other relevant stakeholders inside the bank. Client satisfaction in 2022 was largely unchanged from 2021. Deutsche Bank attributes this success in part to its swift, client- centric response. Corporate Bank actively monitors clients’ satisfaction with its services to gain a client-specific understanding of where potential improvements exist. Over 843 day-to-day clients of Deutsche Bank’s Corporate Cash Management unit provided feedback in 2022 based on their experiences with customer service, technology, and operations. Corporate Bank used the feedback from service recipients to create client-specific action plans, initiate product developments and understand evolving client expectations in the end-to-end client journey. In 2022, 90 % of Deutsche Bank’s Corporate Cash Management clients stated they were mainly or fully satisfied with how Corporate Bank dealt with their feedback, compared to 91 % in 2021. Investment Bank (IB) tracks wallet share and client satisfaction through broker reviews but also external benchmark providers such as Coalition Greenwich. The feedback is used to regularly review and reassess client strategies. Private Bank serves a variety of customer groups. In Germany, the bank targets private retail customers with two complementary brands – Deutsche Bank and Postbank. Internationally it focuses on wealthy individuals, entrepreneurs and family associations, as well as small and medium-sized enterprises in selected European countries. Customer satisfaction is foremost measured on the basis of the Net Promoter Score (NPS), an internationally recognized metric. The NPS measures the willingness of customers to recommend a company and the reasons for doing so. It is considered as an essential indicator of loyalty and satisfaction. This customer-centric approach increases transparency, both internally and externally. At Private Bank Germany, a variety of methods is used to survey the NPS: On the one hand, customers are surveyed immediately after an interaction with a branch, after using selected online service or product completion routes or after an interaction with the call center. On the other hand, these surveys are supplemented by regular panel surveys of customers and non-customers to create an overall picture. In 2022, the NPS was measured across the board in all 400 branches of the Deutsche Bank brand, in all seven regional advisory centers, in the call center as well as in digital channels for products that can be purchased online. For the Postbank brand, more than 200 out of a total of 650 branches were connected. Here, the nationwide implementation is aimed to be finished in 2023. Initial results show that customers interacting with a branch or on multiple channels recommend the bank more likely than customers who rely exclusively on online and mobile banking. A survey of customer by age conducted in third quarter of 2022 showed that the NPS of customers aged 45 and above was slightly higher than of customers under 45. Across all distribution channels and client’s segments, the NPS at Private Bank Germany was 65 after a contact with Deutsche Bank brand. In 2022, more than 123,000 clients gave their feedback: 75% of the clients surveyed could be considered as so-called “promoters” who rated their willingness to recommend Deutsche Bank with nine or ten on a scale of zero to ten, 15% as “passive” who rate their readiness to recommend with a score of seven or eight and 10% were considered as “detractors” (with a score of 0-6). For Postbank brand, the first values are planned to be reported after the further rollout of NPS in 2023. 96

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