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Deutsche Bank Technology, data and innovation Non-Financial Report 2022 Digitization and innovation Within the scope of the strategic partnership formed with Google Cloud in late 2020 (*), the bank focused on migrating applications to the cloud with now over 200 applications running in the cloud across production, development and testing. In parallel new services have been built using Google Cloud including a cash flow management and invoicing solution for corporate clients, as well as a new online banking platform which is planned to first go live for Postbank clients. In June 2022 (*) Deutsche Bank announced the opening of its next Technology Centre in Berlin, Germany. The center primarily supports the ambitions of the Investment Bank and the Corporate Bank through application development and the integration of new technologies. In general, the Deutsche Bank Technology Centers deliver application development and support to the bank’s businesses and infrastructure functions and currently operate in the USA, Europe and Asia. In December 2022 (*) the bank announced a multi-year innovation partnership with the technology company NVIDIA, known as provider of artificial intelligence hard- and software, to accelerate the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning in the financial services sector. The partnership aims to enrich the bank’s leadership in risk management, improve efficiency and enhance customer service by leveraging a broad range of applications, including intelligent avatars, speech artificial intelligence, and fraud detection. Training and awareness GRI 3-3, 404-2, FS14 The bank continued to strengthen its internal engineering expertise and achieved its objective to have more than 50 % of the Technology, Data and Innovation staff working as engineers by end of 2022, as announced at the 2020 Investor Day (*). The bank is committed to ensuring that it has the right skills and capabilities to become a truly digital organization. One priority is to attract, develop, and retain world-class engineering talent and to provide an environment and toolset to support them. These include: – The Engineering Career Development Framework lays out the capabilities and behaviors needed at each stage of an engineering career path, updated for 2022 to support the User-Experience and Quality Assurance engineering communities – A thriving engineering community to support the ongoing design and curation of learning curriculums – Monthly Engineering Days dedicated to increasing the bank’s engineering capabilities, enhancing skills and knowledge, and bringing people together across organizational and geographical boundaries; in 2022, the bank held a total of 176 Engineering Day sessions in coding, learning, culture, and development, attracting 10,639 registrations – Since Engineering Day’s launch in mid-2020, a total of 973 sessions have attracted more than 61,274 registrations – The technical career fast- track promotion process recognizes the bank’s junior engineering talent and allowing them to progress at an accelerated pace – DB Cloud Engineer is a structured learning program to upskill the bank’s engineering workforce at scale and in-depth. Over 1,400 engineers across Deutsche Bank successfully graduated so far, with more learning sprints under way and planned for 2023; additionally, to deepen cloud expertise, professional learning sprints were launched in 2022; DB Cloud Data Engineer, DB DevOps Engineer, DB Cloud Architect delivered the first graduating cohorts recently As part of the bank’s overall gender diversity strategy, a Global Technical Accelerator program, now in its fourth year, offers female employees in TDI the opportunity to start or revisit a career in software engineering. The intense twelve-week program teaches basic programming skills and provides a foundation in good technical practices. The participants then join high performing application teams where their learning journey continues, with 47 female participants to date. Deutsche Bank works systematically to cultivate a technology-led work environment that encourages employees to help propel the bank’s digital transformation. This includes the organization of talks and discussions on the latest technology trends, such as artificial intelligence and quantum computing, enabling employees to hear how the bank and outside experts are shaping the latest technology trends. Each year Deutsche Bank hosts a Global 24-Hour Hackathon where employees come together to create innovative new applications and solutions for a good cause. As part of the bank’s drive to attract young talent, teams are also joined by (*). In 2022, the theme of the hackathon was sponsored students such as the Arkwright Engineering Scholarship Trust ‘Transforming Mental Health’ in support of Deutsche Bank’s Charity of the Year – MQ Mental Health Research (MQ). Over 1,350 employees took part across 18 locations – including one team working in the Metaverse – with the challenge to create a well-designed prototype App for Learning Effective New Strategies (LENS), a theory-driven, evidenced-based, accessible, digital therapy that was developed at King’s College London with funding from MQ. Innovation approach The leitmotif of the bank’s digitization is customer-focused innovation. Deutsche Bank wants to focus on its core strength and innovate in its core business in areas where customers expect new solutions and where the bank can reach an advantageous position in the marketplace. 103

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