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Deutsche Bank Appendix Non-Financial Report 2022 Principles for Responsible Banking 2.2 Target Setting (Key Step 2) Show that your bank has set and published a minimum of two targets which address at least two different areas of most significant impact that you identified in your impact analysis. The targets7 have to be Specific, Measurable (qualitative or quantitative), Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound (SMART). Please disclose the following elements of target setting (a-d), for each target separately: a) Alignment: which international, regional or national policy frameworks to align your bank’s portfolio with8 have you identified as relevant? Show that the selected indicators and targets are linked to and drive alignment with and greater contribution to appropriate Sustainable Development Goals, the goals of the Paris Agreement, and other relevant international, national or regional frameworks. You can build upon the context items under 2.1. Response Links and references Deutsche Bank supports the European Commission’s Action Plan on sustainable finance Non-Financial Report 2022: as a crucial contribution toward the European Union’s achievement of its Paris Agreement Sustainable finance climate targets and its wider sustainability agenda. This is in line with the bank signing the Paris Pledge for Action in 2015. The bank also supports the European Union pledge to Non-Financial Report 2022: become climate-neutral by 2050, e. g. transition to an economy with net-zero greenhouse Climate risk gas emissions. Deutsche Bank is a founding signatory to the Net-Zero Banking Alliance, committing to align the operational and attributable emissions from its portfolios with pathways to net- zero by 2050 or sooner. b) Baseline: Have you determined a baseline for selected indicators and assessed the current level of alignment? Please disclose the indicators used as well as the year of the baseline. You can build upon the performance measurement undertaken in 2.1 to determine the baseline for your target. A package of indicators has been developed for climate change mitigation and financial health & inclusion to guide and support banks in their target setting and implementation journey. The overview of indicators can be found in the Annex of this template. If your bank has prioritized climate mitigation and/or financial health & inclusion as (one of) your most significant impact areas, it is strongly recommended to report on the indicators in the Annex, using an overview table like below including the impact area, all relevant indicators and the corresponding indicator codes: Impact area Indicator code Response Climate change A 1.1. Yes mitigation A 1.2 Yes; Achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 at the latest; emission baseline 2021 A 1.3. In progress A 1.4. Deutsche Bank’s net zero targets cover sectors accounting for a significant proportion of financed emissions of corporate loan book as well as key sources of global Scope 3 emissions of clients. A 1.5. Yes; Deutsche Bank offers a comprehensive suite of sustainable finance products and services which includes all types of lending across Strategic Corporate Lending, Lending, Structured and Export Finance, Natural Resource Finance and Trade Finance Flow including Supply Chain Finance programs, green and sustainable bonds, ESG-linked loans, ESG-linked derivates, long-term financing to microenterprises and SMEs, sustainability package containing financing solutions and 7 Operational targets (relating to for example water consumption in office buildings, gender equality on the bank’s management board or business-trip related greenhouse gas emissions) are not in scope of the PRB. 159

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