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Deutsche Bank Governance and operations Non-Financial Report 2022 Stakeholder engagement and thought leadership In 2022, Deutsche Bank responded to numerous media queries and its communications experts accompanied journalists for interviews or background talks with a number of the bank’s senior managers. Furthermore, Deutsche Bank convened and participated in various conferences and public panels, and offered a range of media events and platforms for further dialogue with its stakeholders. Non-governmental organizations Deutsche Bank engages with stakeholders from broader society to understand their views on global environmental and social trends and challenges. For example, the bank continually engages with non-governmental organizations and participates in numerous sustainability-related initiatives. In 2022 the following were important topics of non-governmental organizations engagement: – Climate change, especially in relation to topics such as the financing of the fossil fuels sector in general, and with regards to specific companies and projects – Respect of human rights, partly in the context of specific sectors and regions, e.g., mining in Latin America or the hospitality sector in Qatar – Deforestation, with a sector focus on agriculture and a regional focus on Brazil/Latin America, Africa (e.g., the Congo Basin) and Southeast Asia In 2022, Deutsche Bank responded to written requests, surveys, or questionnaires, and repeatedly met non-governmental organizations in person to discuss the themes of their engagement. Memberships and commitments GRI 2-28 As part of Deutsche Bank’s long-standing commitment to sustainability, the bank has formally endorsed universal sustainability frameworks and initiatives (see “Sustainability strategy). Furthermore, the bank supports several organizations that promote sustainability, and collaborates in industry initiatives at the global, EU, and national level. The bank contributes its expertise to help shape the transition toward a sustainable and climate-neutral economy. In 2022, Deutsche Bank made new commitments to the following initiatives, which address important aspects of its sustainability activities: The bank: – Became an official network partner for the German Ocean Decade Committee, after signing a memorandum of understanding to actively support the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science and Sustainable Development in Germany: the Partnership aims to promote ocean literacy in Germany, raise awareness of the ten challenges outlined by the UN Ocean Decade (*) and to act as a link between German and international Ocean Decade activities – Became a member of RE100, a global initiative led by the Climate Group, that brings together influential businesses committed to using 100% renewable electricity across their operations – Became a member of the EP100 initiative, a global energy productivity initiative also led by the international non-profit Climate Group. EP100 members are committed to doubling their energy productivity, rolling out energy management systems, or achieving net zero carbon buildings, all within set timeframes – Signed up to the World Green Building Council’s Net Zero Carbon Buildings Commitment, pledging to reduce and compensate operational emissions associated with energy used to light, heat, cool buildings, for assets over which it has direct control – Deutsche Bank and The Nature Conservancy started a new partnership to help conserve and restore marine biodiversity across the Asia Pacific region: the partnership consists of four community conservation projects in Indonesia, Hong Kong, China and Australia led by The Nature Conservancy: they aim to safeguard wildlife species and replenish shellfish reefs, one of the world’s most critically endangered marine ecosystems – Joined as a member the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures Other examples of its ESG-related memberships and commitments are published on the bank’s responsibility website (*). 77

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