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Deutsche Bank Transition toward a sustainable and climate-neutral economy Non-Financial Report 2022 Sustainable finance Proxy Voting and Engagements Dec 31, 2022 Dec 31, 2021 Dec 31, 2020 1 2 For mandates and funds domiciled with DWS legal entities in Europe and Asia (submitted votes3) 3,857 3,242 2,370 3 Companies voted 2,897 2,426 1,859 For mandates and funds domiciled with DWS legal entities in the US (submitted votes) 9,340 9,406 9,355 Companies voted 6,777 6,879 6,720 AGM attendance questions sent to company boards for virtual/physical shareholder meetings for funds and mandates domiciled in Europe 64 40 24 Corporate engagements for funds and mandates domiciled in Europe 532 581 454 1 DWS Investment GmbH (with discretion to vote for certain assets under management of DWS International GmbH, DWS Investment S.A. (including SICAVs and PLCs) based on delegation agreements). Other DWS legal entities may have their own voting process based on different local regulatory requirements 2 DWS Investment GmbH acts as a proxy advisor for the two separate DWS legal entities in Hong Kong (DWS Investments Hong Kong Ltd) and Japan (DWS Investments Japan Ltd), for which DWS Investment GmbH provides voting recommendations and the voting rights and voting execution lies with the respective Hong Kong and Japan entity 3 Of these, 41 meetings at 35 invested companies were unsuccessful in 2022 and 35 meetings at 20 investee companies were unsuccessful in 2021 due to rejected votes Illiquid assets GRI FS14 For most of the Alternatives asset class ESG is managed in accordance with an environmental and social management system. The environmental and social management system aims to assess and manage ESG risks, across the investment life cycle for the underlying portfolio assets and looks for continuous advancement. For relevant impact funds, which are mostly funds dedicated to climate mitigation within the Sustainable Investments platform, there is an additional impact framework, which aims to align with the Operating Principles for Impact Management to which DWS became signatory in 2019. There are currently four sustainable investment funds aligned with Operating Principles for Impact Management’s guided impact principles. For Real Estate, identifying, assessing, and managing material ESG issues is an integral part of conducting business. ESG issues can present risks and opportunities for financial performance, and investments may have positive and negative environmental and social effects. Therefore, DWS Real Estate has identified the sustainability issues which are of most relevance for real estate investments and developed four strategic ESG Themes: – Resilience, including efficiency and adaptation – Well-being, including comfort and air quality – Nature, including ecosystems and circularity, and – Community, including engagement and affordability The Infrastructure business incorporates ESG considerations into the investment framework at all stages of the investment lifecycle for equity investments, from the initial screening and due diligence to the asset management and exit stages. During the holding period, the team monitors the ESG attributes of the investments through regular reporting of KPIs from the portfolio companies, and through completion of the annual Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark Infrastructure assessment at both fund and asset level. Both the Real Estate and Infrastructure teams report to the Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark, which provides an independent assessment of portfolios and funds using a peer-based approach and scoring based on several ESG metrics. The Sustainable Investments platform within the Alternatives business aims to deliver risk adjusted market rate returns with economic, social and/or environmental outcomes. The investment initiatives range from energy efficiency, renewable energy, to clean urban transport, as well as sustainable agriculture. 36

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