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PARTING SHOT Arctic amplification Arctic warming is worse than we thought. New research from Finland finds the North Pole has warmed nearly four times faster than the rest of the world – a significant acceleration H from oft-cited estimates that pegged the rate at double the global average. The heat is S LA especially intense in the Barents and Kara seas, which the study estimates are warming P S N seven times as fast as the rest of the planet. U / Rising temperatures at the top of the world have implications for us all. The region’s N melting permafrost releases trapped greenhouse gases to rapidly escalate global MAN E warming. Temperature differences between the tropics and the poles also lead to more extreme weather events. This past summer alone, Europe baked in record-breaking heat R HAF E waves, South Korea saw its heaviest rainfall in more than 100 years, a third of Paki- D stan has been submerged by monsoons and Mexico was left parched by drought. New XAN findings that Greenland’s melting ice sheet will raise sea levels by at least 27 centimetres Y ALE –no matter what climate action is taken – is especially sobering news for the nearly 600 H B million people who live by the world’s coastlines. - Prasanthi Vasanthakumar RAP G O T O H P

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