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03 brand colors 1 2 USAGE UNSUCCESSFUL color usage imagine falling down a rabbit IImmaaggiinnee aa hole and all ppllaaccee wwhheerree Here are a few executions to avoid* your friends ffrriieennddsshhiipp iiss FPO nnoott aa rreeqquueesstt.. are there. IItt jjuusstt ssoorrttaa @FIDGET_M #0000 E? Using a color scheme that’s not suggested can result in hhaappppeennss.. 34 30 readability issues.2 4343 2323 ,? While these colors contrast each other well, white should 32 30 be avoided as background color in brand communications. @Gregz#2347 This execution also tweaks the original product interface, which should be avoided? $? In an animated communication made of multiple frames, do not mix more than one color scheme? #? Do not use color to highlight words in text. 3 4 The slow Imagine cooker not of chats: the more trying random to fit in, stuff you you just throw in, do. the better. 43 13 43 13 @Gregz#2347 d or Disc 38

Discord Brand Book - Page 38 Discord Brand Book Page 37 Page 39