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02 logo, symbol, wordmark & tagline Placement tagline 1 2 3 We prefer to devide our tagline ‘Imagine a Place’ into two lines. By doing so, it creates a strong and compact visual element. Imagine Here are some use cases for how to work with our tagline.A a Place where 6P Tagline only (portrait)
 sample Imagine When working with the tagline only, place it in the center of copy a Place the layoutP becomes real +P Tagline and key visual
 Imagine a Place When working with the tagline and the creative canvas, the content will push the tagline down and place it right above the logoP 4 ,P Tagline integrated with text
 5 The tagline is sometimes integrated into the headline in the layout. In this case, the tagline shouldn’t be repeated a second timeP Imagine a Place %P Tagline animated
 Imagine a Place When working with animated and masked compositions, combine tagline and logo in the center to give them maximum visibilityP 6 XP Tagline only (landscape)
 When working with animated and masked compositions, combine tagline and logo in the center to give them maximum visibilityP Imagine a Place $P Tagline only (extra wide)
 When working with extra wide layouts, put the tagline on one line to ensure the best legibility and to make a bold statement. d or Disc 20

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