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04 typography 1 2 Usage succeSsful type variations Stack me up Here are a few examples on how to use our text styles Imagine butter successfullyL a Place cup This is an IMAGINE A 49 Line-height and stacking
 example of PLACE WHERE a headline Text is centrally aligned when used as standalone content9 EVERYBODY placement KNOWS YOUR icw a visual SCREEN NAME. ]9 Give whitespace
 22 45 Enought whitespace has been applied to let the text breathe9 ,9 Text next to key visual
 Working together to create a strong layout9 #9 Text used as part of a story
 Creates a dynamic layout. 3 4 Today at 9:18 AM Shawn Imagine a group hug 
 from the internet. Imagine a 43 28 place to talk Imagine fresh cuts, FPO Today at 9:18 AM Gregz a Place deep cuts, or I’m here how you like for a cold cuts. good 
 16 25 cuddle puddle. Today at 9:19 AM moongirl yassssss d or Disc 50

Discord Brand Book - Page 50 Discord Brand Book Page 49 Page 51