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GRI 417: MARKETING AND LABELING, continued Disclosure No. Disclosure Title 2021 Response SOC-12 (Equinix Internal Metric) Customer experience Equinix is built on a culture of putting the customer at the center of everything we do . Aligning around the customer means delivering value for their business, building long-term strategic partnerships and driving loyalty by listening to and acting on their feedback . We want customers to recommend Equinix above all others because we deliver experiences they value with the digital infrastructure they trust . We aim to reach 100% of our customers through our ongoing Net Promoter Score (NPS) survey, listening and learning across all industries and personas . We are pleased that customer sentiment has reflected our NPS above the tech industry average for all four years of measurement with this metric . In 2021, we saw our score continue to increase year on year, represented by 5,800 voices . Our efforts to make the customer experience a strategic differentiator revolve around: § Listening – We listen through voice-of-the-customer programs that aggregate feedback from a variety of sources, including outbound surveys, events and focus groups, passive forms/surveys, online feedback buttons and employee collected forms . § Analyzing the Data – We measure feedback from customers’ experiences during value moments and by collecting data on how they feel about our overall relationship . Learnings from the analysis inform our strategy and shape our customer improvement initiatives and focus areas . § Taking Action – As we prioritize, implement and track customer improvements across the company, our goal is to ensure our actions are delivering value and positively impacting our customers’ experience . § Sharing Progress – Finally, we recognize that customer improvements aren’t meaningful if no one knows about them . We follow up with customers so they know their voice is being heard and to demonstrate how their feedback makes a difference in how they can expect to do business with us . GRI 418: CUSTOMER PRIVACY Disclosure No. Disclosure Title 2021 Response 103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its Boundary Materiality Assessment 103-2 103-3 The management approach and its components Evaluation of the management approach Equinix protects our customers’ business contact information and other personal data used to facilitate access to our data centers . Equinix has delivered a cross- functional compliance program to implement the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) . GDPR is a comprehensive set of data privacy compliance measures, including stringent personal data breach notification measures, and a process for responding to individual subject access requests . GDPR compliance is implemented across our global platform for systems, processes and policies that handle personal data of our customers, employees and other third parties, helping us facilitate compliance with new data privacy laws as they emerge globally . As Equinix launches new applications and systems, the Equinix Privacy Office is embedded in the process for such builds and launches to ensure that data privacy processes and policies are appropriately addressed . The Privacy Office is led by Legal with functional representation that manages this program of work, and reports to the Nominating and Governance Committee of the Board . The Privacy Office continues to oversee data privacy compliance at Equinix in all applicable markets on an ongoing basis . Equinix continues its involvement across our global customer base to assist customers in their own data privacy compliance, as appropriate . 418-1 Substantiated complaints concerning breaches of customer privacy and losses of customer data In 2021, no material complaints concerning breaches of data privacy impacting our customers or losses of customer data were substantiated . 23

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