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GRI 401: EMPLOYMENT, continued Disclosure No. Disclosure Title 2021 Response 401-1 New employee hires and employee turnover New employees hired and (hire rate): § 2021: 1,751 (17%) § 2020: 1,803 (20%) § 2019: 1,666 (20%) § 2018: 1,243 (17%) Note: numbers depict how many people were hired during the year both for newly created positions and for positions that became vacant as a result of employee attrition . Employees added as a result of acquisitions are not included . New Hire rate = # of new hires / average annual head count . Employee turnover rate: § 2021: 10% § 2020: 7% § 2019: 13% § 2018: 12% Represents how many employees left the organization voluntarily (includes retirement and death) as well as involuntarily (due to dismissal, misconduct, job performance, etc .) . 401-3 Parental leave Retention rate after parental leave (for EMEA and the Americas 2018; Americas and APAC 2019, 2020 and 2021): § 2021: Of 147 employees who took leave in 2020, 99% were still at Equinix in 2021 (100% of men, 96% of women) § 2020: Of 109 employees who took leave in 2019, 90% were still at Equinix in 2020 (90% of men, 92% of women) § 2019: Of 61 employees who took leave in 2018, 93% were still at Equinix in 2019 (100% of men, 83% of women) § 2018: Of 82 employees who took leave in 2017, 79% were still at Equinix in 2018 (85% of men, 73% of women) SOC-3-a (Equinix Internal Metric) Employee satisfaction – survey response rate In 2020, Equinix moved from administering its Pulse Survey from twice a year to administering it on a quarterly basis . The “response rate” metric shows how many employees participated in the Pulse Survey . Higher response rate is preferred because it indicates that the survey is representative of a larger percentage of the employee population . The Pulse Survey was released four times in 2021: § In Q1 of 2021, 81% of employees completed the survey . § In Q2 of 2021, 78% of employees completed the survey . § In Q3 of 2021, 79% of employees completed the survey . § In Q4 of 2021, 79% of employees completed the survey . When averaged across the quarters, the response rate was 79% . SOC-3-b (Equinix Internal Metric) Employee satisfaction – survey results Employee satisfaction is derived from the Pulse Survey administered each quarter . In 2021, employees responded with a satisfaction score of 84 in Q1, 83 in Q2, 83 in Q3 and 82 in Q4 . 19

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