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UN Guiding Principles (UNGP) Reporting Framework Section Indicator/Question References and Links Policy Commitment A1 What does the company say publicly about its commitment to respect human rights? • 2021 Modern Slavery Statement • 2021 Sustainability Report (See Society (Human Rights, pages 41–45 ; Supply Chain, pages 61–68 ); Governance (Advocacy and Public Policy, page 78 )) • 2022 Proxy Statement • Code of Business Conduct and Ethics • Global Human Rights Principles • Our Positions • Supply Chain Standards Manual • Supply Chain Standards A1.1 How has the public commitment been developed? • 2021 Modern Slavery Statement • 2021 Sustainability Report (See Society (Human Rights, pages 41–45 )) • Global Human Rights Principles A1.2 Whose human rights does the public commitment address? • 2021 Modern Slavery Statement • 2021 Sustainability Report (See Society , pages 41–68 ) • Code of Business Conduct and Ethics • Global Human Rights Principles • Supply Chain Standards Manual • Supply Chain Standards A1.3 How is the public commitment disseminated? • 2021 Modern Slavery Statement • 2021 Sustainability Report (See Society , pages 39–73 ) • 2022 Proxy Statement • Global Human Rights Principles • Supply Chain Standards Manual • Supply Chain Standards The UNGP Reporting Framework provides comprehensive guidance for companies to report on human rights issues in line with their responsibility to respect human rights. This is an index of Amazon’s public content related to each subsection of the UNGP Reporting Framework and represents information as of June 2022. 2021 Sustainability Report Introduction I Environment I Society I Governance I Appendix 84

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