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Goals Scorecard PEOPLE Opportunity GOAL FY21 RESULT NOTES Enroll 100,000 learners – partners, Over 87,000 course enrollments in To Be Welcoming courses globally and nearly 37,000 course The geographic scope of this data point includes customers and communities – in a To Be completions since launch. all company-owned and operated markets Welcoming course globally. Graduate 25,000 Starbucks partners from 2,500 partners earned their college degree in FY21 through the Starbucks College Achievement Plan. Arizona State University (ASU) by the end of 2025 Committed to 100% ethically sourced Nearly 95% of Starbucks coffee was ethically sourced and verified through C.A.F.E. Practices, down from coffee in partnership with Conservation 98.6% in FY20 due to restrictions caused by COVID-19. Auditors were unable to complete all necessary International in-person, on-farm audits. Committed to 100% ethically sourced tea 99.9% of tea sourced by Global Coffee, Tea & Cocoa sourcing team was verified as responsibly sourced. More on Cargill’s approach to Cocoa and cocoa 10 million kilograms of segregated cocoa beans were purchased from the Ivory Coast through our Tier 1 procurement can be found here. supplier, Cargill. Inclusion GOAL FY21 RESULT NOTES At least 40% BIPOC representation and 55% All partner base: 71% female and 48% BIPOC More information on our Workforce Diversity women in all retail roles, by 2025 in the U.S. Data is available here. Within BIPOC representation: 8% of partners identify as Black; 29% Hispanic or Latinx; 6% Asian; 5% Demographic percentages represented in this At least 30% BIPOC representation and 50% Multiracial; 1% American Indian or Alaskan Native and 0.5% Native Hawiian or other Pacific Islander section have been rounded. women for all enterprise roles, including senior leadership, by 2025 in the U.S. Senior Leadership: 54% women and 36% BIPOC At least 40% BIPOC representation and 30% Manufacturing: 33% female and 44% BIPOC women in all manufacturing roles by 2025 in the U.S. 100% gender and racial pay equity in the U.S. Starbucks has achieved and maintained 100% pay equity for women and men and people of all races performing similar work in the U.S. 100% gender pay equity globally in company- Starbucks has achieved and maintained 100% pay equity for women and men performing similar work In FY20, our licensed partners in Singapore, owned markets in global company-operated markets Canada and Great Britain. the Philippines and India also achieved 100% pay equity for women and men. In FY21, eight additional markets in Asia-Pacific and the Hong Kong Support Center achieved 100% gender pay equity.

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