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Goals Scorecard PLANET 2030 Targets GOAL FY21 RESULT NOTES Starbucks commits to reduce absolute scope 1, 1% increase compared to FY19. An increase at this stage in our journey towards significant reductions scope 2 and scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions in our GHG emissions is expected. We are focused on identifying and testing innovative solutions by 50% by FY30 from a FY19 base year that we can scale across our global operations and engaging with our value chain while improving our measurement systems. In March 2021, Starbucks GHG reduction goal was validated as science-based by the SBTi, which confirmed our target is aligned with a 1.5 degree Celsius pathway. Starbucks commits through conservation or 11% decrease compared to FY19. Water withdrawals decreased in FY21 because of shifts in agricultural replenishment to reduce water withdrawals commodities purchased due to changing customer preferences, continued impacts from COVID-19, from direct operations, stores, packaging and and improvements to measurement processes. our agricultural supply chain by 50% by FY30 In August 2021, we announced an expanded water target increasing the projected water conserved or from a FY19 base year replenished and catalyzing holistic watershed health improvements in high risk basins. Starbucks commits to reduce waste sent to In FY21, we are reporting progress against our waste target as two metrics: Starbucks diverted 32% of landfill from stores (including packaging that operational waste and 24% of packaging was reusable, recyclable or compostable. leaves stores) and direct operations by 50% To improve measurement and align to industry standards, our methodology for calculating waste by FY30 from a FY19 base year diversion and packaging was updated. We are reviewing our target going forward. Strategies for Change GOAL FY21 RESULT NOTES 10,000 Greener Stores globally by 2025 2,779 Starbucks stores in FY21 were certified Greener Stores mainly in the U.S. and Canada, representing SCS Global Services completed the verification an approximately 20% increase over FY20. of Starbucks Greener Stores program for FY21. Starbucks began expanding our Green Stores framework globally. Certifying our first Greener Store outside of North America in Shanghai, China. 100% renewable energy for global operation Sourced renewable energy to power 66% of company-operated locations globally with market by 2020 constraints in China and Japan limiting our ability to meet this goal globally. As members of the RE100, we remain committed to reaching 100% renewable energy in our global company operations.

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