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NEWS FROM OUR PARTNER THE EXCHANGE PROVAR FALL 2021 Myth 1 Testing only needs to happen at the end of a release cycle. Testing processes should be part of the full development process: build, test, repeat. Provar believes tests should be run before and after every technical change has been implemented. This practice helps validate that no new bug has been introduced, and if one is, that it is easy for users to identify where the issue came from. By testing more frequently, the test library increases while business systems and processes mature. Learn more about continuous testing in this Continuous Integration, Deployment, and Delivery Trail. Myth 2 Your automated tests don’t need to keep pace with Salesforce releases. With every Salesforce product update, there are bound to be some changes that can affect or alter your usage. Within the context of QA, this can mean that some of the automated tests that your QA teams had previously developed need to be reworked. New Salesforce releases may change underlying APIs, as well as the HTML, JavaScript, and CSS that make up the user interface. QA teams need to be prepared to alter their automated tests in the moment or in future release cycles Three QA Myths Debunked after multiple updates have been implemented. Businesses are recognizing the value of quality assurance (QA) Myth 3 testing in the product lifecycle. With more companies investing in QA, there is bound to be some confusion on how QA can Only highly skilled developers can and should be used. Here, our partner Provar, an end-to-end create automated tests. While there are certain QA processes that require a more technical skill set, there are some QA test automation solution designed for Salesforce, debunks a few platforms that can make testing accessible and more simplified. Provar believes that QA testing in common myths about quality assurance testing. complex business systems should not require coding skills. Utilizing a no-code QA test automation solution like Provar can provide readable test cases that can be understood not only by your whole QA team but your stakeholders, too. Learn more SEE HOW YOU CAN SUPPORT YOUR QUALITY ASSURANCE PROCESSES WITH PROVAR’S TEST AUTOMATION FOR SALESFORCE SOLUTION.

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