2021 ESG Report SOCIAL As measured by pre- and post-course assessments, students’ scores increased by 50% after taking the fnancial education course and 67% after the entrepreneurship course. In addition to underwriting the courses to ensure they are ofered at no cost, the Bank also funds scholarships for students to use toward higher education. In 2021, we provided $70,000 in scholarships to 28 deserving Finance Academy students. Winners are chosen on the strength of essays they write regarding the knowledge they’ve gained and their plans for managing their fnancial futures. More than 3,300 scholarship entries were submitted. Zania Lane is a Michigan student whose essay earned her a Finance Academy scholarship in 2021. In her essay she said the lessons she learned about business pitches will help her in future career as a nuclear physicist. RETIREMENT UNIVERSITY® R etirement University presents a holistic approach to retirement planning through its website . It is a free educational program backed by the expertise of Fifth Third fnancial professionals to help consumers prepare for all aspects of retirement. Retirement University covers topics ranging from income needs to second careers. Lessons include planning and investments, retirement income, health care needs, life-stage planning and more. Fifth Third also published an eBook about women and retirement. Available online, the eBook addresses the unique challenges women face in retirement planning, including income disparity, time away and life expectancy. E BUS Since 2004, Fifth Third’s fnancial empowerment mobile strategy has enabled us to take fnancial access and education directly into the communities we serve, especially the underserved. The strategy is headlined by our eBus and supported by our Banking to Go kiosk, which can be set up at community events. Both the eBus and Banking to Go are equipped so we can provide fnancial education, credit reports and bank account openings, including our new Bank On-certifed Express Banking account. Other services include homebuyer and small business resources and job search assistance. Contents In 2021, we were thrilled to resume in- person eBus community events. Following recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control, we were able to serve 7,546 people through eBus events last year. Fifth Third’s eBus ofers computer workstations to enable its fnancial empowerment programming. Introduction Economic Environment Social Governance FIFTH THIRD EMPOWER U® M ore than 41,000 people took our Fifth Third Empower U® courses in 2021. These courses are taught by our bankers on-site or virtually at various companies and in conjunction with our community partners. There were 5,456 courses taught last year, including a fnancial wellness checkup and classes that teach fnancial health, investments and planning, insurance planning, homeownership and college funding. Fifth Third Empower U began in 2012 and has helped educate over 164,000 people since that time. “Our relationships with community organizations help us deliver our fnancial education, accessibility and stability products and services to individuals and families. Our partnership is key to our ability to improve lives. We’re so proud of the work we’ve been able to do together.” – STEFANIE STEWARD YOUNG , CHIEF SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY OFFICER. 77
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