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25 ³Hi Team, Having consulted the leave tracker Ze¶re planning to have our virtual Christmas Party on Thursday 17 th December ± if anyone has any major objections to that date please could you let us know today? Also please do flag b\ COP if \ou Zouldn¶t like to be part of secret santa«.. ́ The event was discussed in advance, including the idea of a virtual quiz , with senior officials in the Cabinet Secretary¶s office . They had agreed that it could go ahead on the understanding that the team¶s rota system, which had been set up to assist with social distancing, was observed. This meant that half of the Private Office team would be in the office and the other half would be wo rking at home on any given day. On 17 December 2020 the virtual quiz took place in the outer office of the Cabinet Secretary¶s room. It began at approximately 17 . 30. There were approximately five people in the office that day. The Cabinet Secretary was not present for the quiz. Those in the office joined by sitting at their desks using a large communal video screen with microphone and speakers in the outer office area. Others joined online. There was some food and alcohol available, which had been bought that day by a member of the office. The quiz itself lasted around an hour. Once it had finished, an online game of ³Articulate ́ was played by those in the office and those at home. This game lasted around half an hour. The event finish ed at around 19.00 . Once the game of ³Articulate ́ had finished, there was some informal chat for a brief period between those joining remotely and the group in the office. The virtual participants then logged off. Those who had been working in the office continued to chat. At 20.25 the Cabinet Secretary returned to his office from No 10 and remained working there. Before leaving the building at 21.45 he stopped to speak to members of his Private Office for about 15 minutes. He was offered and took a beer. His Private Offi ce team remained in the office chatting and finishing their drinks and snacks.

Findings of Second Permanent Secretary's Investigation Into Alleged Gatherings On Government Premises During Covid Restrictions - Page 27 Findings of Second Permanent Secretary's Investigation Into Alleged Gatherings On Government Premises During Covid Restrictions Page 26 Page 28