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6 Record keeping 21. The Cabinet Office investigation has accumulated a body of material in the course of its work ± interviews, photographs and documents ± the vast majority of which naturally is not directly used in the narratives below. I have asked the Cabinet Office Knowledge and Information team to be the custodian of this material, together with my own records relating to this work, for preservation in the official record. Context 22. The context I set out in my update remains key to this report and findings and for completeness I have repeated that summary here. 23. The outbreak and spread of SARs Covid - 19 represented a global public health crisis without parallel in living memory. In th e United Kingdom it had a seismic impact on every aspect of life in the country. In response, to help control the spread of the virus and to keep the most vulnerable safe, the UK Government put in place far reaching restrictions on citizens that had direct and material impact on their lives, livelihood and liberties. 24. From 26 March 2020 the law in England required everyone to remain in their homes unless certain, very limited , exemptions applied. Restrictions were temporarily eased over the summer period i n 2020 until most remaining national restrictions were removed on 4 July 2020. Restrictions were then reintroduced in gradations in the autumn culminating in the UK Government announcing from 5 November 2020 restrictions on movements and gatherings in Eng land, essentially requiring people to stay at home. Restrictions on gatherings of two or more people applied in London through December 2020 and the first months of 2021. Indoor mixing of two or more households was not permitted again until 17 May 2021. 25. In line with those rules the vast majority of staff in Government Departments worked from home. The Civil Service, along with the rest of the public sector, went to great lengths to reconfigure the provision and delivery of public services and support for businesses almost overnight. Many private sector businesses and other organisations, large and small, all over the UK, were also working hard to deal with the pandemic both in terms of managing their businesses, their livelihoods and those of their employees, as wel l as providing vital support to the national effort to respond to the virus. 26. A small number of Government officials and special advisers, because of the nature of their jobs directly supporting the Prime Minister and other Ministers,

Findings of Second Permanent Secretary's Investigation Into Alleged Gatherings On Government Premises During Covid Restrictions - Page 8 Findings of Second Permanent Secretary's Investigation Into Alleged Gatherings On Government Premises During Covid Restrictions Page 7 Page 9