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16 The Cabinet Secretary, Sir Mark Sedwill, returned from a meeting and noted that there were individuals in his waiting room. He stayed for a short time and before leaving for another meeting he gave permission for the use of his office for a short time. The event lasted for a number of hours. There was excessive alcohol consumption by some individuals. One individual was sick. There was a minor altercation between two other individuals. The event broke up i n stages with a few members of staff leaving from around 21.00 and the last member of staff, who stayed to tidy up, leaving at 03.13. 19 June 2020; a gathering in the Cabinet Room in No 10 Downing Street on the Prime Minister¶s birthday Extract of regul ations and guidance On 1 June 2020, England moved to ³step 2 ́ of the Government¶s roadmap in Zhich restrictions on leaving one¶s home Zere removed. Gatherings of tZo or more persons indoors and more than six outdoors were prohibited. An exception permitt ed gatherings that are ³reasonabl\ necessar\ «. for Zork purposes ́. At work, social distancing guidance continued to say ³ you must maintain social distancing in the Zork place Zherever possible. ́ Work places Zere required ³to maintain 2m social distancing wherever possible, including when arriving at and departing from Zork, Zhile in Zork, and Zhen travelling betZeen sites ́. On 13 June 2020 individual prayer in places of worship was allowed again and on 15 June 2020 non - essential retail businesses were per mitted to re - open. Summary On 19 June 2020 a number of individuals gathered in the Cabinet Room in No 10 Downing Street to wish the Prime Minister a happy birthday. Food, alcohol and soft drinks were provided, having been organised in advance that morning. The event lasted around 20 - 30 minutes. Preparations On the morning of 19 June 2020, Cleo Watson , a No 10 special advise r who informed the investigation that she had been asked to organise the event , had an exchange of Whatsapp messages with Martin Reynolds, Principal Private Secret ary to the Prime Minister messages as follows :

Findings of Second Permanent Secretary's Investigation Into Alleged Gatherings On Government Premises During Covid Restrictions - Page 18 Findings of Second Permanent Secretary's Investigation Into Alleged Gatherings On Government Premises During Covid Restrictions Page 17 Page 19