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19 27 November 2020; a gathering in No 10 Downing Street on the departure of a special adviser Extract from regulations and guidance On 5 November 2020, a second national lockdown was introduced which required people to stay at home and prohibited indoor gathe rings of two or more people from other households except for permitted exceptions, including where the ³gathering is reasonabl\ necessar\ « for Zork purposes ́. Social distancing remained the rule at Zork, Zith guidance on Zorking safel\ in offices sa\ing ³ you must maintain social distancing in the Zorkplace Zherever possible ́. Offices Zere advised to ³maintain social distancing guidelines (2m, or 1m Zith risk mitigation where 2m is not viable), wherever possible, including while arriving at and departing f rom Zork, Zhile in Zork, and Zhen travelling betZeen sites ́. Summary On 27 November 2020 a number of people gathered in the No 10 Press Office area to say goodbye to a special adviser, who was leaving government. Officials, including senior officials, and special advisers were present. The Prime Minister attended and gave a short leaving speech. The event On 27 November 2020 , a No 10 special advisor left government having said goodbye to a number of people at their desks during that day and decided to visit the No 10 Press Office to say goodbye to the staff who worked there. This took place at approximately 18.00 on a Friday evening. It appears to have been an impromptu gathe ring . An exchange of messages took place between the No 10 special adviser and a No 10 official. At 17.46 the No 10 official asked ³Were [sic] Zill \ou be in 20 minutes? ́ At 17.58 the special adviser replied ³Press Room! ́ and, at 18:00 sent a further message to the No 10 official saying, ³Will \ou let PS folks knoZ?¶. The No 10 official replied at 18.06 stating μYes¶. At 18.19 the No 10 official sent a further message saying μWe are coming noZ¶. There were approximately 15 to 20 peopl e in attendance, some of whom were drinking alcohol. As well as some people from the Press Office, a number of senior officials, private office staff and special advisers attended the event. The Prime Minister finished a meeting at 18.19 and then attende d the Press Office to say goodbye. He remained for a short time, saying a few words of thanks and

Findings of Second Permanent Secretary's Investigation Into Alleged Gatherings On Government Premises During Covid Restrictions - Page 21 Findings of Second Permanent Secretary's Investigation Into Alleged Gatherings On Government Premises During Covid Restrictions Page 20 Page 22