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35 was being locked down for the evening. Those still present were asked to leave the building by a No 10 custodian. The group then moved into the No 10 garden. The second event, for the other No 10 official, was h eld in the offices of the Digital Team in the basement of No 10. It began at approximately the same time as the event for the Director of Communications, at around 18.00, but was smaller in scale, with 15 - 20 people present, including a special adviser and more junior officials. There were leaving speeches and a presentation. Wine was available and music was played from a laptop on top of a printer. A number of those present drank excessively. There was mingling between the two events, with some staff mov ing up and down the stairs in between the basement and the Press Office. The two groups eventually joined together in the Downing Street garden. Shortly before 21.30, there were over 20 people present in the garden, with a number of bottles of alcohol. A number of individuals gathered near a childĀ¶s swing/slide in the garden, damaging it by leaning on and playing with it. This was noticed the next morning and reported to No 10 staff. At this time, the custodian staff at No 10 continued to lock down the bu ilding. They noted that groups of individuals had gone into the garden. The group began to break up and return into the main building at around 21.30. The No 10 entry logs show that a number of people left No 10 at this point. They were encouraged by the custodian to use the rear exit of No 10. Some individuals remained in the building and carried on drinking alcohol until the early hours. Exit logs indicate that some left after midnight and others between 0 1 . 45 - 0 2 . 45. Two members of staff stayed later st ill, with one leaving at 0 3 . 11 and the last leaving at 0 4:20.

Findings of Second Permanent Secretary's Investigation Into Alleged Gatherings On Government Premises During Covid Restrictions Page 36 Page 38