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23 The expectation is that this is a virtual quiz. Please do not come into the office on Tuesday for the quiz, if you are not due to be working from the office. For those who are working in No 10 and planning to stay in the office for the quiz, please ensure you are following social distancing rules already set out in No10. Teams in the office should ensure that they arrange themselves behind the Perspex screens. All staff will be required to leave the office immediately after the end of the quiz [No 10 official] Zill be presenting the main qui] via MS Teams from the Stud\«\ou will then need to ensure you arrange a zoom call or other method so you can discuss ansZers Zith \our team««. ́ The invitation email included details of the proposed teams and running order. It was scheduled to start at 18.00 and end at 20.30, followed by results and prizes between 20.30 to 20.45. Departure from No 10 for those present in the offices was scheduled between 20.45 and 21.30. The event On 15 December 2020, the planned quiz began at around 18.00. Approximately 120 - 150 staff joined, some from home and others based in rooms across No 10 Downing Street and 70 Whitehall. At least 18 members of No 10 staff joined from a large room in 70 Whitehall. The Prime Minis ter joined the quiz at approximately 19.50 to read out the questions to one of the rounds. This had been agreed in principle in advance and was confirmed on the day. This is not unusual, he was frequently called upon by his office to attend staff events. H e remained at the event for 12 minutes before returning to his office. There are published photographs of his participation in the event. Food and alcohol was available during the quiz which was purchased by individuals on behalf of their teams. Some t e ams in the office gathered close together around laptop screens. Some staff drank alcohol. A No 10 official sent a message on internal No 10 systems referring to μdrunkenness¶ and advising staff to leave No 10 via the back exit. The No 10 official informe d the investigation team that they did this in order to avoid staff being photographed by the press outside. The quiz finished at approximately 21 . 30. Most of those in the office in No 10 either left or returned to work after the quiz with some remaining continuing to chat and some dr ank alcohol.

Findings of Second Permanent Secretary's Investigation Into Alleged Gatherings On Government Premises During Covid Restrictions - Page 25 Findings of Second Permanent Secretary's Investigation Into Alleged Gatherings On Government Premises During Covid Restrictions Page 24 Page 26