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21 Department¶s canteen on the basis that it is a well - ventilated space that would permi t easier social distancing. On 7 December 2020 at 15.52 an email was sent from the Secretary of State¶s Private Office internally within the Department for Education, inviting approximately 50 staff including Private Office officials, departmental offici als and special advisers to μ³ socially distanced ́ festive drinks. ³ Hi all, We¶re planning on having some μsociall\ distanced¶ festive drinks in the canteen on Thursday. It would be great if you could join us. This is open to Private Office staff and mi nisters if the\ are around«« For those Zorking at home«there are plans for a Christmas Divisional Zhere people Zill be able to dial in and have a Virtual Festive gathering«. ́ The event Approximately 20 - 30 staff gathered in the canteen at around 17.00 on 10 December 2020 . Staff had been invited to bring their own refreshments, including a suggestion in the invitation that those joining should bring their own bottle. At the event there wa s wine, some of which, along with mince pies, was provided by the Secretary of State and his Private Office. The Secretary of State thanked staff at the event, leaving shortly afterwards to travel back to his constituency. Some people remained in the can teen for a short period. The event lasted around 60 minutes. 15 December 2020: a gathering in No 10 Downing Street for an online Christmas quiz Extracts from regulations and guidance On 5 November 2020, a second national lockdown was introduced which required people to stay at home and prohibited indoor gatherings of two or more people from other households except for permitted exceptions, including where the ³gathering is reasonabl\ necessar\ « for Zork purposes ́. On 2 December 2020, England was divided into three tiers, with London in Tier 2 in which gatherings of two or more people indoors continued to be prohibited unless an exception applied, such as where the gathering was reasonably necessary for work purposes. Government guidan ce, issued on 30 November 2020 for the Christmas period, on visiting pubs and restaurants advised: ³although there are

Findings of Second Permanent Secretary's Investigation Into Alleged Gatherings On Government Premises During Covid Restrictions Page 22 Page 24