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3.1 Transition scores All countries ranked in the top 10 are from Western – Increased share of clean energy in the fuel mix and Northern Europe, and account for 2% of energy-related CO2 emissions, 4% of total energy – A carbon pricing scheme supply and 2% of the global population. Sweden leads the global rankings, followed by Denmark – A strong and supportive regulatory environment and Norway. Among the world’s 10 largest to drive the energy transition economies, only France features in the top 10. The list of top performers in the ETI has remained High-ranking countries also show high scores broadly unchanged over the course of the past on transition readiness because of their strong decade. Although each country’s energy transition institutional and regulatory frameworks, their ability pathway is different, they all share common to attract capital and investment on a large scale, attributes, including: their innovative business environment and their high level of political commitment on energy transition. – Reduced levels of energy subsidies Both China and Brazil feature in the top 20, a result of their performance thus far and readiness to – Enhanced energy security from a diverse continue to transition. energy and electricity mix, as well as a mix of import partners The global average scores for the ETI have increased successively each year from 2014 to – Improved carbon intensity 2023, the result of gains across both system performance and transition readiness (Figure 4). FIGURE 4 Global average Energy Transition Index and sub-index scores, 2014-2023 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Source: World Economic Forum ETI overall System performance Transition readiness Certain large Of the 120 countries, 113 have made progress The top improvers between 2022 and 2023 emerging centres over the last decade but only 55 have improved are Azerbaijan and Kenya. Kenya has typically of demand, such their scores by more than 10 percentage points. progressed behind the global average while as China, India Notably, large emerging centres of demand, such Azerbaijan has been ahead of it. Both have and Indonesia, as China, India and Indonesia, have seen these shown large improvements across several have improved improvements. Only 41 countries have made steady transition readiness parameters, including their scores by gains over the last decade (de昀椀ned as consistently 昀椀nancial investment, infrastructure and innovation. more than 10 above-average performance improvements on Joining them among the top improvers is percentage points. the ETI). While this list includes many advanced Paraguay, which has made progress every year economies, it also has 14 countries from developing for a decade, and Zimbabwe, whose score and emerging Europe, developing and emerging grew by 9% but continues to lag the global Asia, and Latin America and the Caribbean. Qatar average. Importantly, as countries advance, and Mexico narrowly miss falling into the category; they should achieve a balanced energy system, they made steady gains until 2023 when their but only 18% of them have achieved this progress fell below the average. These insights balance, leaving those without it vulnerable demonstrate the dif昀椀culty of maintaining progress to risks related to energy security, inequality and the energy transition’s inherent complexity. and the consequences of climate change. Fostering Effective Energy Transition: 2023 Edition 13

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