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3 Overall results A majority of countries show progress, with developing nations taking centre stage in a shifting global landscape. Key 1 2 3 highlights Global average ETI scores Only 18% of countries in 2023 Equity was compromised as increased by 10% since 2014, have balanced the imperatives the transition centred on secure but showed only marginal of the energy triangle.* and sustainable. growth in the past three years. 4 5 * Balanced is de昀椀ned as The top 10 countries account Only 41 countries have when the spread between the for only 2% of global CO made steady progress in equitable, secure and sustainable 2 scores is less than 8.5 points. emissions from fuel combustion the past decade. and 4% of total energy supply. Fostering Effective Energy Transition: 2023 Edition 11

Fostering Effective Energy Transition 2023 - Page 11 Fostering Effective Energy Transition 2023 Page 10 Page 12