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Key 1 2 3 highlights Only 2 out of 120 countries 20% of the world is manifesting Countries accounting for over are accelerating across slowing (retracting) progress on 90% of the world’s emissions the equitable, secure and energy equity. are prioritizing sustainability. sustainable dimensions. 3.2 Transition momentum Momentum is The ETI scores measure a country’s current energy country that is leading or advancing on an equitable not equal across system, but not how fast they are transitioning. energy transition. These countries are promoting dimensions Momentum shows who is transitioning the fastest energy equity and addressing social inequality as and countries and which countries are at risk. No globally de昀椀ned well as addressing energy affordability. Kenya and are prioritizing percentage exists that de昀椀nes the progress of the Tunisia are demonstrating strong momentum in sustainability for energy transition. The transition’s pace will depend this dimension. On the other hand, nearly 20% of balanced economic on a variety of factors, including the speci昀椀c context the world’s population lives in countries at risk of growth, social of each country or region, the availability of resources not achieving an equitable energy transition. These well-being and and technology, the level of political will and public countries need to quickly identify challenge areas support and the urgency of the climate crisis. What is and resolve them by implementing infrastructure natural resource known, however, is that the energy transition needs upgrades, subsidies or supportive policies. preservation. to accelerate to limit the effects of climate change. Countries leading or advancing within the secure Figures 5A-C show the distribution of countries dimension have focused on ensuring a diverse energy across four quadrants for each system performance mix, increasing resilience to price volatilities and dimension, depending on the current score and strengthening infrastructure, including improved grid the three-year growth rate of the dimension score stability and 昀氀exibility; Brunei Darussalam, Ghana between 2020 and 2023. As a result, countries’ and Albania all demonstrate strong momentum here. near-term focus areas are visible as positive Each country’s progress towards a more diversi昀椀ed contributions to momentum. The 昀椀gures assign and secure energy system is at different stages, but each country to one of four quadrants: they all have fossil fuels in common as their primary energy source. Brunei has focused on diversifying – Leading countries – with above-median its energy sources, while Ghana and Albania have dimension scores and positive growth rates reduced imports and improved energy reliability. Although some countries have established secure – Stabilizing countries – with above-median energy systems, others are stabilizing in terms of dimension scores but negative growth rates momentum as they shift their focus to other areas. All countries must ensure that they shift to cleaner, local – Advancing countries – with below-median electricity generation and reduce reliance on fossil fuels dimension scores and positive growth rates (internal and imported). With 11 countries being at risk on both the equitable and secure dimensions, special – At-risk countries – with below-median attention must be given to identify blockers, and dimension scores and negative growth rates other countries should provide technical and 昀椀nancial support to move these countries back on track. Only 2 out of 120 countries – India and Singapore – are advancing across the equitable, secure and Many countries are prioritizing sustainability, sustainable dimensions, each with its own unique focusing on policies and programmes that promote transition journey. The limited number of countries energy conservation, renewable technologies and managing simultaneous advance on all elements of innovation in energy storage and grid modernization. the energy triangle highlights the challenges many Estonia and Luxembourg have both demonstrated countries face with balancing efforts and required, strong momentum. Each has a different pro昀椀le in focused investments and policy changes. terms of sustainability, but they are all signatories to the Paris Agreement. Estonia has prioritized Momentum for the equitable and secure dimensions investment in renewables, and Luxembourg in is more dispersed across the four quadrants due reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Saudi to the dimensions’ previously being near-term Arabia is also advancing within sustainability but, focus areas for many countries. The results show considering its starting position, it needs to rapidly that 62% of the world’s population now reside in a step up the growth rate on sustainability. Fostering Effective Energy Transition: 2023 Edition 15

Fostering Effective Energy Transition 2023 - Page 15 Fostering Effective Energy Transition 2023 Page 14 Page 16