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46. UK Government, Together for People and Planet: UK International Climate Finance Strategy, March 2023,昀椀le/1147360/uk- international-climate-昀椀nance-strategy-2023.pdf (accessed 24 May 2023). 47. UK Parliament, House of Commons Environmental Audit Committee, “Accelerating the transition from fossil fuels and securing energy supplies”, Fourth Report of Session 2022-23, 5 January 2023, cm5803/cmselect/cmenvaud/109/report.html (accessed 18 May 2023). 48. Ibid. 49. UK Government, Mobilising Green Investment: 2023 Green Finance Strategy, March 2023, media/xtfpsage/mobilising-green-investment-2023-green-昀椀nance-strategy.pdf (accessed 18 May 2023). 50. UK Government, “The Future Homes Standard: changes to Part L and Part F of the Building Regulations for new dwellings”, 1 October 2019, of-the-building-regulations-for-new-dwellings (accessed 24 May 2023). 51. Edwards, Holly, et al., Electric vehicles and infrastructure, Commons Library Research Brie昀椀ng, House of Commons Library, 21 February 2023, https://researchbrie昀椀ngs.昀椀 (accessed 24 May 2023). 52. UK Government, “Tenfold expansion in chargepoints by 2030 as government drives EV revolution”, 25 March 2022, (accessed 18 May 2023). 53. World Population Review, “GDP Ranked by Country 2023”, 2023, (accessed 18 May 2023). 54. IEA, “Countries and regions: Brazil”, (accessed 24 May 2023). 55. Sánchez Molina, Pilar, “Brazil allocates 269.3 MW of solar across two energy auctions”, pv magazine, 12 July 2021, (accessed 24 May 2023). 56. BNamericas, “Brazil’s BNDES authorizes US$650mn loans for 3 renewable energy projects”, 5 January 2023, (accessed 25 May 2023). 57. Government of Brazil, “Brazil is the biggest wind energy producer in Latin America”, 8 February 2022, america#:~:text=in%20the%20country.-,Brazil%20is%20the%20biggest%20wind%20energy%20producer%20in%20 Latin%20America,by%203%2C100%20megawatts%20(MW) (accessed 24 May 2023). 58. World Population Review, “Wind Power by Country 2023”, (accessed 24 May 2023). 59. ABEEólica, “The Sector: Wind power development in Brazil”, (accessed 17 May 2023). 60. Absolar, “Panorama of solar photovoltaic in Brazil and in the world”, 2023, (accessed 24 May 2023). 61. IEA, “Biofuel production by country/region and fuel type, 2016-2022”, 26 October 2022, statistics/charts/biofuel-production-by-country-region-and-fuel-type-2016-2022 (accessed 24 May 2023). 62. World Economic Forum, Mobilizing Investment for Clean Energy in Brazil Country Deep Dive, Summary 2021-2022, July 2022, (accessed 24 May 2023). 63. Bloomberg, “China May Boost Coal Power Plant Building Amid Energy Crunch”, 9 September 2022, crunch?leadSource=uverify%20wall (accessed 24 May 2023). 64. World Bank, “China’s Transition to a Low-Carbon Economy and Climate Resilience Needs Shifts in Resources and Technologies”, Press Release, 12 October 2022, transition-to-a-low-carbon-economy-and-climate-resilience-needs-shifts-in-resources-and-technologies (accessed 18 May 2023). 65. Data derived from ETI indicator analyses. 66. Energy Foundation, “China’s 14th Five-Year Plans on Renewable Energy Development and Modern Energy System”, 5 September 2022, (accessed 18 May 2023). 67. Zhu, Shouqing, et al., “Transition 昀椀nance will accelerate decarbonization in China. Here’s how”, World Economic Forum Agenda, 25 November 2022,昀椀nance-will-accelerate-decarbonization- in-china-here-s-how (accessed 24 May 2023). 68. World Bank Group, China Country Climate and Development Report, CCDR Series, 2022, (accessed 18 May 2023). 69. World Bank, “China’s Transition to a Low-Carbon Economy and Climate Resilience Needs Shifts in Resources and Technologies”, op. cit. Fostering Effective Energy Transition: 2023 Edition 68

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