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At some B2B companies, especially in the access fresh pools of talent, enable global growth technology sector, these skills are becoming strategies, and even tactically improve their reach standard (Exhibit 8). An executive at a large through such basic measures as being in the technology firm explained, “Our salespeople need same time zone as potential customers. One B2B to be able to understand data. They need to be able company is experimenting with offshoring its sales- to look at situations or customers intuitively and development reps, starting with a small team of see patterns. If I had more traditional salespeople fewer than ten. If successful, it plans to expand the who thought the job was only about building concept to relieve the competitive hiring pressure in relationships and closing a deal on the golf course… the US market. well, those people won't make it in this market.” Companies don’t have to go offshore to expand Since reps need to have an in-depth understanding their talent pools. Many are taking advantage of of their customers, it’s understandable that many the growing popularity of remote work and its B2B organizations target their own customers for role in accessing new domestic markets. A legacy recruitment. One technology-sector sales leader industrial supplier, which had traditionally centered is bringing former healthcare professionals into its commercial team in one region of the US, sales roles, for example. Organizations are finding expanded to diversify its team; with new commercial it’s more effective to train industry experts in sales and sales leads in non-traditional regions, they than to bring in fresh faces who need both sales and were able to bring in deep sales experience, cross- industry training. industry perspectives, and a stronger talent pool that could deliver the next-generation skills needed. While some companies look to their customers for talent, others are taking a different approach. Offshoring is well established for functions such Use analytics to train the team as technology and customer service, but less A US health payor’s revenue growth lagged as it tested in sales. The potential benefits go beyond struggled to sell ancillary products. The regional traditional cost-reduction measures—by expanding sales teams rarely shared best practices, and sales the geographic scope of hiring, companies can was broadly reactive. As part of a shift to a more Web 2022 Emerging cautiously: Australian Consumers in 2022 Exhibit 8 Exhibit 2 of 10 There is increasing demand for new sales skills. of sales leaders surveyed believe solution selling will ranked analytical and 85% be a core sales capability, 80% quantitative skills among requiring strong product the top capabilities to knowledge and solution develop. design as well as account-planning skills. Analytical and quantitative skills Solution selling McKinsey & Company 28 Future of B2B sales: The big reframe

Future of B2B sales The big reframe - Page 28 Future of B2B sales The big reframe Page 27 Page 29