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sales organization. Yet, even after significant seller 2. Start with the outcome, not the technology: training, ultimately only two out of the nine tools There seems to be an automated tool for every implemented were used consistently by the entire step of the sales value chain. But rather than be sales force. distracted by the latest technology, successful sales organizations start with the specific Those who get the sales-tech strategy right can outcome they want before exploring what tools achieve transformational outcomes—yet a good are available. A sales leader told us, “The trick was tech strategy is not just “more tech”. User adoption, going back to basics. First, reminding ourselves change management, and data should underpin that the end purpose of tools is to support sales every decision to add another tool. There are four reps, and second, to ensure that we see strong imperatives common to companies that have results before investing in the next set of tools. genuinely transformed their sales productivity: We don’t focus on the technology, we focus on what we want our sales reps to do, and then see if 1. Emphasize quality over quantity: The the technology fits.” fragmentation of solutions is a challenge—single- source providers that can expand through the 3. Invest in the data: While many companies stack can help avoid proliferation. Reps are familiar spend a lot of time launching new tools and with jumping from one tool to another, but this is looking for business insights, few make the inefficient and halts adoption. A sales executive necessary investments in the data foundations at a large technology company commented, “I was that let these tools perform best—leading to sitting behind the inside sellers to learn how they poorer outputs and a frustrated frontline. As one worked, and was amazed to see they had dozens sales leader put it, “There’s no point having all of tabs open. I said, ‘Can you walk me through each the best-in-class tools if we can’t drive the right of these tabs?’ Of course they couldn’t remember insights because the data is poor.” the tabs or how to use them. To me it’s about having fewer tools but having them easily integrated, and 4. Prioritize change management: Companies then focus on the best use cases.” need to consider why a new tool is valuable to the “It's more about having fewer tools, but thoughtfully integrating them—and focusing on the outcomes instead of the technology.” —Chief commercial officer, consumer goods company Future of B2B sales: The big reframe 23

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