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its training to sellers’ individual needs, it saw a that is not the perfect fit for a customer, damaging 4 percent rise in revenue. longer-term prospects for that relationship. Meeting targets is challenging—especially in times of Sales leaders can use data in this way to identify economic uncertainty—and, as reps strive to meet gaps in sellers’ knowledge and skills, understand them from one quarter to the next, they might have how reps can apply their learning to active sales little interest in long-term account management. opportunities, and replicate the best practices Or they might move off if they get a better deal of top performers. By using commercial-activity elsewhere. However, as the skills and mindsets of analytics to assess how reps spend their time, reps evolve, more personal motivations to drive measuring digital interactions (such as emails retention and focus on longer-term objectives could and appointments) and linking them with existing be a solution. organizational data, business contexts can be assessed. This too can inform which training should Go beyond financial incentives. The most recent be aimed at which individuals. recruits to the workforce, Generation Z, care about the principles and culture of their place of work: 42 percent care more about their company’s 12 Rethink incentives to drive motivation values and purpose than salary levels. Young and retention professionals today seek mentorship, career Organizations typically motivate sales reps by using opportunities, and flexibility. The desire to decide monthly or quarterly financial incentives to ensure when, where, and how they work has been revenue targets are met and to retain staff. Over reinforced by the pandemic, and available options time, however, companies have seen downsides to have increased. Younger recruits also care deeply this approach, exacerbated by changing customer about a culture of diversity and free thinking. behavior and redefined sales-rep skills. Analysis shows that a lack of career path is a major Short-term incentives can even lead to decisions driver of voluntary attrition. Most companies have that hurt long-term opportunities. To meet monthly a two-year plan for a sales career path, often targets, for example, a sales rep might sell a product causing reps to leave after that amount of time. A Young professionals today seek mentorship, career opportunities, and flexibility. Younger recruits also care deeply about a culture of diversity and free thinking. 12 Hillary Hoffower, “Money isn’t everything for the 20 percent of people who regret quitting their jobs during the Great Resignation,” Business Insider, April 19, 2022. Future of B2B sales: The big reframe 31

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