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Customers’ expectations of how their vendors success. In this new era, top performers are serve them have changed dramatically—they want obsessing less about an internal view of their simpler, on-demand, omnichannel engagement sales funnel (such as "introductions,", "proposals," that puts their needs first. They expect to have or"negotiations") and obsessing more about informed conversations with vendors who can guiding customers on a personalized buying demonstrate expertise on their industry, product, journey (for example, "awareness," "evaluation," or and market challenges. Otherwise, they have little "purchase"). They might consider three customer- compunction about moving elsewhere. More than centric practices here. First, find customers by 70 percent of businesses say they will happily harnessing comprehensive data on customer consider other vendors if their core “must haves” intent preferences, and deploying analytics that are not met during their buying journey or if the translate those insights into impact. Second, attract experience is poor (Exhibit 1). customers by offering B2C-grade, personalized content with tailored value propositions. Finally, Despite this, many B2B companies are struggling delight customers by keeping a pulse on readiness to embrace a truly customer centric mindset, and delivering consistent experiences across their starting with the language they use to define entire buying journeys. Web 2022 Emerging cautiously: Australian Consumers in 2022 Exhibit 1 Exhibit 2 of 10 Changing customer expectations puts pressure on companies to adapt. Experiences required for customer attention  o respon­en€s ‚ƒo ‚ill ac€iely loo„ or ano€ƒer supplier i €ƒese are lac„ing Top-tier Per ormance guaran† Pro­uc€ aailabili€y Abili€y €o purcƒase rom €ees offere­ ­uring sale sƒo‚n online: any cƒannel: cus€omers €en­ €o ‚an€ 78% 74% 72% all fie o €ƒese mus€† ­os in combination. ˆeal†€ime‰al‚ays†on Consis€en€ eŠperience cus€omer serice: across cƒannels: 72% 72% Source: McKinsey & Company Global B2B Pulse, Aug 2020, n= 602, eb 202 n = 62, o 202, n = 602 McKinsey & Company 6 Future of B2B sales: The big reframe

Future of B2B sales The big reframe - Page 6 Future of B2B sales The big reframe Page 5 Page 7