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59 2021 ESG REPORT THE BIG PICTURE EMPOWERING WOMEN ENABLING OPPORTUNITY ENRICHING COMMUNITIES GOVERNANCE GRI Indicator Description Disclosure Source Section(s) Page(s) 302-3 Energy intensity Sustainability Measuring Our Progress: Environment Webpages 302-4 Reduction of energy consumption Sustainability Measuring Our Progress: Environment Webpages Aspect: Water 303-2 Water sources significantly affected by withdrawal of water Sustainability Water Stewardship Webpages CDP Water Security Disclosure 2021 (W3.3b, W3.3d) 303-5 Water consumption Water Consumption from Supply Chain Facilities (does not include company-operated locations such as stores, offices, or distribution centers) Sum of Gap - Total Water WWF (overall risk) ** (FEM2020) (in cubic meters) x<2.5 620,371 (2%) 2.5<=x<3.5 19,428,941 (75%) 3.5<=x<4.5 4,829,301 (19%) New facility included on Higg 1,020,027 (4%) - no data for (yet to conduct risk assessment) most of the new facilities Grand total 25,898,640 **We consider High Risk to be above 3.5, which includes sourcing countries: China, Egypt, India, Jordan, and Pakistan. Emissions 103 -1 Management and approach Sustainability Climate 103-2 Webpages CDP Climate Disclosure 2021 (C1.3a, C2.2, C2.2a, C2.3a, C2.4a, 103-3 C3.2b, C3.3, C3.4, C4.3c) ESG Report Enriching Communities: Climate Stewardship 39 305-1 Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions Sustainability Scope 1 and 2 emissions data for fiscal 2021 will be available on Webpages our website in 2022. Our GHG data for previous years is currently available at the ESG Resources. 305-2 Energy indirect (Scope 2) greenhouse gas emissions Sustainability Scope 1 and 2 emissions data for fiscal 2021 will be available on Webpages our website in 2022. Our GHG data for previous years is currently available at the ESG Resources. 305-3 Other indirect (Scope 3) greenhouse gas emissions Sustainability Scope 3 emissions data for fiscal 2020 will be available on our Webpages website in 2022 at the ESG Resources. 305-4 GHG emissions intensity Sustainability Measuring Our Progress: Environment Webpages 305-5 Reduction of GHG emissions Sustainability CDP Climate Disclosure 2021 (C2.4a, C4.1a, C4.2a, C4.3a, C4.3b) Webpages

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